Chorga Mercenaries

"Tell Gaboon where all the amends he made are, for when the Gorgun looks around he does not see any." ~ Gaboon

What do Chorga do?

Don't forget to wear your group tag so everyone knows your rank or position! The Skull Coast denizens talk. A lot. When someone earns rank, word spreads quickly. 


It is it good to be more fighty or more cunning? More fighty of course! Let the Jichos do the brain things. Chorga just want a good dust up! Why chirp about who's right and who's wrong when you can just punch the other person until they agree with you?

Chorga are of the red right eye of Mog. They are the rowdy, loud, rough and tumble eye. They fancy a dust up and figure you're gonna give it to them...whether you want to or not. Chorga with a bit more brain power can even see the value in their muscle, serving as mercenaries, guards, and soldiers. For the right bit of coin you can probably hire one to punch anyone you fancy.

The Chorga serve as the guards for the Gorgun. If it is the Jichos to interpret the Gorgun's will then it is the Chorga who enforce it. Trying to threaten a Chorga with violence is just offering them a good time.

When a chorga isn't using their muscle to earn coin they are usually getting ready for a fight.

Idle hands do something...bad...maybe....shut up.

Chorga usually spend their free time crafting and servicing their weapons such as oiling metal and sharpening blades. They train with other chorga almost religiously because its important that at any given time the others know who's best...even if that changes in the very next exchange of fists.

The only thing that can compare to showing off how strong you are in a fight is bragging about how strong you were in previoius fights. Chorga love to tell stories about beast they've killed and cunts they're pounded...literally and figuratively.

Tusk Tasks - Chorga Edition

The following tasks are posted as optional items to deepen your role play as a Chorga

If you choose to do one of the tasks below make sure to let the acting Hok'Chorga, Cipactli Coatl (SavageVormund) know about it.  Either send a notecard of the RP, or select a few of your best posts from the RP and post them to #sim-ic-share-nsfw making sure to tag @{SC}Hok'Chorga.

The Chorga is a warrior devoted to the Tribe and shall always bring Good Mog towards it, but first, towards the Gorgun.

.•°o.O  Fight things  O.o°•.

.•°o.O  Protect Things  O.o°•.

.•°o.O  Brain Werky Things  O.o°•.

.•°o.O  Build Your Legend  O.o°•.