History and Lore

"ZzzzzzzzzzzSNRKKTTZzzzzZZzzz" ~Gaboon

Our History Within Sincadere

In the autumn of 2144 A.O.S. reports of a band of brutish creatures operating in the Great Forest increased, causing panic among the superstitious population of Helheim. King Tyr sent out a contingent of Royal Guards to verify such sightings. To their dismay, these strange creatures were already constructing their makeshift home, using the abundance of materials the Great Forest provides. The internecine war with the Jade Lotus Empire was taking its toll. There was no way Helheim could fight on two fronts.

King Tyr, always tactically astute, saw an opportunity where others saw threat. 

He offered a deal: Fight for Helheim and thrive, or be stamped out. 

The Black Tusks elected to fight for Helheim. They smashed the JLE Phalanx and turned the tide of the war.

Through their undisciplined ferocity, they had secured the opportunity for their tribe to grow. Helheim would come to view this mixture of creatures as a necessary evil. 

As the seasons passed, Tusk culture seeped into Helheim, their aggressive natures extending into trade and entertainment as well. The abundance of prey in the Great Forest meant their numbers boomed. Whilst Helheim had negotiated an uneasy peace with the Jade Lotus, the Black Tusks were not prone to relinquishing the joy of battle. Without their Patrons knowledge, they continued to attack the mysterious Empire - a consequence they soon came to regret. After a brief and bloody battle, the Tusks were laid to waste, their numbers dwindled to at best a third of their size. It would take many years for the tribe to recover. 

Monarchs of Helheim came and went, much to the confusion of the Tribe. Primarily focused upon their own agenda, they were only called upon by the Huts Of Many Pebbles in times of great conflict; a living chaotic deterrent for all the opposing nation states. The Tusks clashed with anyone that stood in their way, despite their smaller numbers. In this time the Jicho -the mystical and religious cadre of the tribe - flourished, providing key influence on the regeneration of the Great Forest once the Red Mist had decimated the biome. A new forest was born and with it, another population boom. 

Inevitably, the numbers of the tribe could not be sustained by the area they had so aggressively marked as their own. The Great Belly, Gorgun of the Black Tusk Tribe, set his gaze upon the horizon and saw a future for themselves in a far away land, where coconuts fall from the trees and citrus fruits grow in bounty. Galvanised by this vision, he ordered his people to pack up their paltry goods and make their way to their promised land, known to sailors as the Skull Coast.