10. Extruder

TriangleLab TBG Air extruder


TriangleLab recommends to apply thermal paste around the nozzle tube and tube holder. By loosen the set screw, the tube holder will fall out.

Sometimes filament-jamming or step-skipping keep happen. Here are some possible reasons:

In case that you disassemble the extruder, here is the correct washer location:

TriangleLab TBG Air extruder

TBG Air ↔ Extruder mount

Extruder mount ↔ DAB slider


Assemble the extruder and its mount as shown in the picture. Refer to the DAB manual for how to attach the extruder mount to DAB.

A set screw is located in the heatsink as shown in the last picture to hold the hotend.

Note that TriangleLab uses 3 different kinds of bolts to connect the stepper and the extruder. Differentiate them if you need to disassemble the extruder.

EBB board temperature consideration

The EBB PCBA is a commercial grade product which is not designed to work in a heated chamber. Although from user feedback it works in a 65°C chamber for hours, but a traditional route with multiple wires to the extruder is still recommended.

Side cooling scheme


Assemble the side air boxes as shown in the pictures. For the default TBG Air extruder and hotend, lift the air boxes to the highest point and align the blowers to the air boxes.

Air flow collector


Assemble the air flow collectors as shown in the picture. You might need to remove the 4010 heat sink fan on the extruder first.