BigTreeTech S42B Servo with 0.9° XY steppers
on LPC Port of RepRapFirmware

Last update: 04/27/2021



  • 2 BTT S42B

  • 2 0.9° steppers

  • ST-Link v2 mini, a USB dongle programmer to update S42B firmware

  • 8 bolts m3 x 40, or a suitable length for stepper and S42B

  • (optional) 8~16 washers m3, to adjust the height of S42B


Download or git clone the source code of Setar's 0.9° stepper firmware from this GitHub repository.

TrueStep S42B firmware implements a better LCD UI than BTT's original UI. Setar's firmware is a fork of TrueStep firmware with modification for 0.9° steppers.


VSCode with PlatformIO plugin

Driver Slot Requirement by RRF

Insert S42B slot adapters at the last slots as LPC/STM port of RepRapFirmware requires TMC drivers to be inserted in the first few continuous slots of LPC/STM boards. In this case stepper.numSmartDrivers = 2 in board.txt.

The assignment of driver slot is not necessary if you use Marlin or Klipper.

Insert S42B slot adapter into SKR v1.3

With SKR v1.4 no adapters are needed, just plug the cable in the the Z-CLS and E0-CLS sockets (or those sockets after TMC drivers).

S42B and SKR v1.4. (Picture from BTT SKR V1.4 Instruction Manual)


  • The distance between S42B and magnet might affect calibration result. Adjust the height of S42B with washers.

  • Short circuit might happen (the small display and S42B don't work) if the pins behind the PCB touch the stepper. Trim the pins if necessary.

  • Connect: PC/Mac USB port <--> ST-Link programmer <--> (Dupont connectors) <--> S42B

  • Dupont connectors

    • 3.3V

    • GND

    • SWCLK

    • SWDIO

  • Follow the steps in setar's repository. Compile the firmware source code using PlatformIO and upload the binary to S42B.

RRF config.g

  • M584 X2 Y3 Z0 E1 ; Map S42B X & Y to slot 2 & 3. Map Z & E to slot 0 & 1.

  • M92 X256.5 Y256.5 Z4000.00 E392.00 ; XY values are a result of manual measurement (but not sure about the reason. They were 200 steps/mm while using TMC driver.)

P.S. The steps/mm values are a result of manual measurement but not sure about the reason. They were 200 steps/mm while using TMC driver at 16 micro steps with 2GT 16T pulleys.

Calibration Is A Must

  • Must calibrate before print, or you will get skewed prints.

  • Must re-calibrate if the driving current in S42B has been changed.

  • The direction of polarity of round magnets should be radial (lays in the XY plane after installation), not axial (along the Z axis as common round magnets do).


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