Change log

v1.06 Change XY driving pulley from 16T to 20T (08/04/2023)

v1.05 Change how XY joiners are assembled for better rigidity (05/15/2023)

v1.04 Change the locations of Z aluminum extrusions (01/06/2023)

v1.03  Add a spacer between Wobble Wafer and lead screw nut. (12/12/2022)

v1.02  Add relative positions of the 3 Z frame pieces. (11/15/2022)

v1.01  Add photos of the ceramic thermal fuse and ceramic terminal block. (11/08/2022)

v1.00 Bed install and coordinates (10/29/2022)

v0.20 Draft (10/28/2022)

v0.15 Draft (10/27/2022)

v0.10 Initial draft (10/26/2022)