Mellow 4.3" display firmware restoration

Overall steps

  1. Download 2 packages: factory reset utility and display firmware

  2. Prepare a factory reset SD card and flash it into the display

  3. Prepare a firmware SD card and flash it into the display

  4. Change display language

  1. Download packages

Download a Windows tool and Mellow 4.3" display firmware here.

2. Prepare the restoration utility

Insert a micro SD card into Window laptop. Must be FAT32 format.

Click to get the drive names.

Choose the drive name of the card reader.

Choose the image of factory reset utility:

Click to flash it.

3. Factory reset the 4.3" display

Insert the micro SD to the display, connect the display to the mainboard and power up. The display will start the reset procedure.

Once the progress bar is full, power it OFF and remove SD card.

Power it ON again and a utility screen will show up.

4. Prepare Mellow display firmware

Back to the Windows tool, click the button to format the SD card again.

Copy update.img and boot_logo.jpg to the SD card.

5. Update display firmware

Insert the SD card to the display and power it up. Check both boxes (Mellow's printer UI and boot logo) and click the upgrade button.

Once it's done, remove the SD card and power it OFF.

Power it ON again and the printer UI will show up.

Change display language

Click the corresponding menu items and navigate to the language function.

Please note the left column containing "display", "multi touch", "language", etc. is scrollable.