SecKit Go Checklist

Here is a checklist before firing up the printer. Please print this list out and check each item 1-by-1.

If anything seems to be wrong such as a pop sound, smoke, wire/cable/cord gets hot, plastic case gets hot or melted, stop immediately and check.

Before Power Up

  1. Jumpers are in correct positions

  2. Driver modules are in correct orientations

  3. Wire polarity of 5V peripherals are correct.

    • Endstops

    • Fans

    • ABL sensor

    • Unplug that peripheral if you are not sure.

  4. Wire polarity of 24V peripherals are correct

    • Power supply

    • Control board

    • Bed heater signal

  5. Wire polarity and terminals are fastened firmly

    • SSR

    • Bed heater

    • PSU

    • Power socket

  6. The fuses are clamped firmly

    • The fuse in the fuse box

    • The fuse in the small drawer of the power switch, near the power cord

    • The thermal fuse under the bed heater

  7. The GROUNDING wire is connected correctly.


  1. The extruder homes to X-min (leftmost) & Y-min (frontmost).

  2. The extruder move in correct direction.

  3. Measure with a ruler, the extruder carriage move in correct lengths. The inductive sensor acts as Z endstop and probes the bed.

  4. Before Z homing, the extruder moves to the center of bed.

  5. The bed homes to Z-min (top).

  6. The bed move in correct direction.

  7. Measure with a ruler, the bed carriage move in correct lengths.

  8. XY belt tension is at a proper level. Avoid too-low tension as shown here.

Heaters & fans

  1. Heat the hotend up to 51℃, the heat sink fan is turned on, and the temperature curve rises up.

  2. Heat the bed heater up to "your room temperature + 5℃", the red LED on the SSR lights up, and the temperature curve rises up.

  3. The hotend heater PID tune is completed.

  4. The bed heater PID tune is completed.

  5. Check the console for PID tune result and update them in config.g or config-override.g.

  6. The part cooling fan reacts to fan speed commands.


  1. Heat the hot end up to 230℃, the nozzle is fastened enough. Be careful not to break the thin tube of heat break.

  2. Mark the filament and it advances in correct length. You might need to customize the steps/mm for your extruder.

Inductive ABL sensor

  1. Run bed.g (RepRapFirmware) with G32. The inductive sensor stays over the positions fully covered by metal.

  2. Find a correct Z offset and save the value in the parameter of G31 in config.g.

    • It's better to reset the board before a next trial.

  3. (Optional) change the lead screw positions in M671 in config.g if you shift the bed to fit the location of nozzle position.