Short and Powerful

Short and Powerful     Lily Trayes

Short and Powerful Trimester 1:    Syllabus 23

Source Policy: Source Policy 23

Week One

Homework due on September 5Homework for Sept. 5   The Story of an Hour

Week Two:

Homework due on September 7: Homework for Sept. 7     The Cask of Amontillado

Week Three-Eleven:

Homework Assignments  for Weeks Three-Eleven 

(check the above link frequently for updates to Homework Assignments)

Week Three:

Homework due on September 12: Homework for Sept. 12     "Birdsong"


Homework due on Thursday, Sept. 14

#1  In the back of the Short Stories book, read the information on CLOSE READING

#2  Read the short bio of Ha Jin

#3  Using your close reading skills - Read the short story, Saboteur, by Ha Jin.

#4  write down some vocabulary words you discovered in the story.

#5  When you read Saboteur for the second time, you will find several places that we might call "foreshadowing.

WEEK  Four

Homework questions we covered in class today  9/14     #1- #3

#1  the THEME of revenge has been evident in two of the stories.  (explain, describe in class)  we covered #1,#2 and #3 in class 9/14)

#2 In Birdsong- think about the young woman's point of view. Why do you think the author did not give names to the young woman nor to her lover.   Is he urbane or is he a cad?

#3 Mr. Chiu in Saboteur is very angry.  Should he be so enroaged?  What do you think of his personality? Is he selfish?  Did you have any clue why he was eating in so many restaurants?


#4.  In each of the four stories we have studied, who is the narrator -- who tells us the story?   (all 4 stories)

(We are not going to study A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner at this time.)

NO HOMEWORK for Tuesday, Sept. 21


HOMEWORK for Thursday, September 23


Continue reading (slowly and carefully) TWO SOLDIERS up to Page 7


This is your copy, so you may underline and circle words and write in the margins.


Underline any vocabulary words:  What words did you have to look up?


Underline anything you do not understand:  What did you underline?


At this point in the story, describe the little brother as specifically as you can.

WEEK 6   

HOMEWORK FOR Thursday, Sept. 28

Read carefully Pagaes 9,10, 11 (the end) of Two Soldiers

Write a synopsis of the entire story, Two Soldiers  (maximum 8 lines)


Read the first 8 pages of Sonny's Blues.

Read the short bio of James Baldwin in the back of the book.

Write a very short synopsis of the first 8 pages - be sure to include: the title, the Setting, the narrator.

HOMEWORK for Thursday, Oct. 5

Read:  Sonny's Blues. Pgs. 274-281

Write:  6 sentences about what happens in pgs. 274 - 281

Write:  the vocabulary words that were new to you

Write:  2 facts about James Baldwin, the author of Sonny's Blues.


Read:   A&P  by John Updike.  Pg. 348 (purple book)

Come to class prepared to discuss:

Write some adjecties to decribe the manager of the A&P and be preparaed to discuss WHY you specifically chose those adjectives.

NO HOMEWORK due for Thursday, Oct. 12

HOMEWORK for Tuesday, Oct. 17

Read:  Sections I,II, and III of the Chekhov short story,The Lady with the Dog.  Be prepared to discuss these sections in class.

Week of October 23:

In class:  Grammar and reading and discussing Counterparts by James Joyce.

Counterparts questions

Reading homework for this week is Family Album by Mykal Gilmore, and it's due by Thursday's class (October 26). This is always a big favorite with the students, but it's on the long side, so leave yourself enough time by starting early.   

Writing homework for October 31 is the first essay

Family Album questions

essay 1

Week of October 30

 in class: grammar and discussing Family Album and reading Grandmother's Victory in class

Reading Homework for Nov. 2 is The Boarding House

Boarding House text

Boarding House qs

Writing Homework for Nov 7 is revising essay 1 and handing it in with the marked up draft.  I am happy to help, but you need to ask.

Week of Nov. 6

Essay Revision Due Nov. 7

Grandmother's Victory questions due Nov. 9  They can not be late if you plan to earn credit.

Grandmother's Victory Questions

Grandmother's Victory Text