Magna Campus: Instant PD

Comprehensive professional development, that works around ANY schedule. Magna Commons is a subscription-based, on-demand, online, and campus-wide digital library of all of Magna Online Seminars. RTC has a subscription!

Sign up to educate yourself

STEP 1: Register at MAGNA

Go to

Enter information in the required fields, then Submit.

NOTE: if you get an error that your password does not match, skip down to the EXISTING USERS Section below

Once successfully registered, you will see a screen "Thank you for completing your registration"

STEP 2: Access the group subscription

Click on Join RTC Subscription

On the right side of the page, in the "Username or email address" box, enter the email address that you submitted in Step 1. Enter your password > Login On the My Account page > Join Team

On the My Online Access page click the appropriate orange "Go to..." box for access

After you create your own personal account you can keep track of your favorites.

ALSO! Our subscription also includes another fantastic resource, The Teaching Professor Newsletter.


If you get an error when using Create Account, go to:


Contact CITL Director Liz Falconer,

Magna Commons

Topics available include:

  • Grading & Feedback

  • Academic integrity

  • Syllabus Development

  • Online Course Design

  • Student Engagement

  • Issues with Students

  • Technology Instructional Vitality

  • Technology in Face-to-Face Classes

  • Course Design