FLEX MODALITY - What is it? How do I get it!?

Email from Lea Hoffman, Jan. 18, 2022 ~ Create Community & Inclusion in the Flex Classroom

To create community and inclusion between virtual and face-to-face students:

  • Make a welcome video introducing yourself that also includes a definition of what a flex class is.

  • Do icebreakers on the first day of school. Check out these two padlets: Zoom Icebreakers and Fostering a Sense of Belonging

  • Integrate virtual and face-to-face students together whenever possible.

  • Make sure that students who attend in-person classes also regularly participate in virtual discussion and other asynchronous activities.

  • Do not privilege one type of learning or participation over another by making sure students who prefer face-to-face classes also engage with and explore online learning.

  • Where possible, arrange your videoconferencing equipment to allow online and in-person students see each other on screen.

  • Provide opportunities for asynchronous learners to work on assignments with their peers outside of class time.

Get Involved: We are hoping for an active and engaged group that can continue to grow together in this delivery model. One way to stay connected with flex faculty is to engage with the content on the CoP Canvas site. You can post in the "Flex Questions for the Community" or in the "Exciting Discoveries to Share".

Time to Meet: We plan on meeting regularly this quarter and our first meeting as a team will be on Thursday, January 20th.

To receive the Flex stipend for this quarter do the following: (Unless you have made alternate arrangements with Liz):

  1. Enter attendance data into the spreadsheet

  2. Update your weekly journal on your Instructor Pages - all located in the CoP Canvas site

For customized flex classroom support, contact one of the Flex Lead team members today!

  • Dawn Allen: dallen@rtc.edu

  • Nizar Ali: nali@rtc.edu

  • Raquel Andre: arandre@rtc.edu

  • Zefire Skoczen: zskoczen@rtc.edu

  • Lea Hoffman: lhoffman@rtc.edu

  • Celinda Wilson (FLEX specialist) celinda.wilson@rtc.edu