RTC Quarterly Evaluations

All courses & teachers are evaluated by their students every quarter

NOTE RTC's Canvas student feedback data is managed by RTC's Institutional Research (IR) team.
Please find RTC's IR contact information and great data resources here, https://www.rtc.edu/IR

Course &  Teacher Questions Asked

(click to expand and collapse list of questions)

(Classroom, Online/Hybrid/Flex, Lab courses)


Course Questions

Please answer the questions below about your experience in (course name). You will have an opportunity to evaluate each of your instructors in a separate survey. Instructors will not be able to view your feedback until after grades have been posted. 

Q: Please tell us about the assignments and learning in this class.

Q: Please provide additional comments on any of the above items.


Q: Please tell us about how online technology worked for you in this class.

LAB Courses

Q:  Please comment on the adequacy of resources in this lab:

Q:  Please tell us about your overall experience with this lab:

Q: Please add anything you would like to add about labs:

Teacher Questions

Q:    Please tell us about your experience with this teacher.


Q. Please add anything you would like to add about your teacher:

Q. What are the strengths of your teacher?

Q. Overall, how would you rate your teacher? My teacher is:

 Very Good  (5)

o Good  (4)

o Fair  (3)

o Poor  (2)

o Very Poor  (1) 

Every Canvas course navigation menu provides a Course Evaluation tab/link for easy student access. (NOTE: Only students can view the questions in their  evaluation -- see questions asked in dropdown list above). 

Faculty are expected to direct students to fill out the evaluations during the last two weeks of the quarter. Class time can be used for this; students can also fill them out on their own time.  

Ways to increase student evaluation feedback include:

Faculty can then access their student's evaluation feedback to improve their teaching and materials.