VIDEOS: Create & Share

Your RTC CANVAS account provides server space for all teaching and learning tools and materials.

Your eLearning currently provides 5GBs of server space per user, 5 GBs of server space per Canvas shell, and 5GBs of space per group for instructional files.

Your RTC ZOOM account provides popular conferencing, screen and file sharing, lecture capture recording tools and features.

However, our Washington State Board (shared) Zoom license does not provide server space for online recording distribution.

Enter Panopto...

Your RTC PANOPTO account can create screen-captured recordings, produce voice to editable text captions, is integrated into your Canvas account and courses.

At this time, Panopto also provides unlimited instructional recording server space.


AUTO TRANSFER: Recordings made and saved to your RTC Zoom account are sent to your RTC Panopto account's My Recordings (default folder) automatically if your Zoom account's email address matches your RTC Canvas account's default email address. Your Zoom recording is then set for deletion.

RECOVER DELETED: If needed, find previous videos you've saved to your Zoom server in your Zoom trash folder for a limited tiime

TIMELINE: Short Zoom recordings are processed and then moved quickly into your Panopto account's "My Recordings (folder)". Long recordings, 15+ minutes and more, take longer to process and can affect how quickly your recording shows up.


If your Zoom cloud recording hasn't shown up as expected in your Panopto's default "My Recordings (folder)" and you need it quickly for your viewing audience, go old school and do the following: