Youth Festival 2022

The Youth Festival 2022 holds a special place in my heart, as whenever I imagine or hear those words, it brings back a flood of memories from those unforgettable days. Spanning four days from the 18th to the 21st, this festival became the highlight of my life, filled with learning experiences and cherished moments. From Kalayatra to Mime, Ekanki to Elocution, Lok Geet to Lok Nritya, Shastriy Nritya to Skit, Rangoli to Paper Collage, and various other competitions, the Youth Festival offered a plethora of opportunities for everyone to showcase their talents. The diverse range of competitions inspired participants to unleash their creativity and skill. Participating in this festival was not only a chance to showcase one's talent but also an invaluable opportunity to acquire new knowledge and share insights with others. Reflecting on my experience, I have compiled detailed memories and insights from the Youth Festival 2022, capturing the essence of those remarkable days. Here are my two blogs where you can find detailed information about it.

Youth Festival 2022

Youth Festival 2022 Photos & Videos