My Metaphor for Literature

Literature is a Garden, Mirror, Journey, Window, Tapestry, Symphony, Puzzle, Treasure, Time Machine, Fountain of Wisdom, Lantern in the Dark, Forest of Symbols, Feast for the Mind, River of Emotions, Canvas, etc. These types of metaphors one can find on the internet today or by asking someone. In all these metaphors, one can find that somewhere Literature is related to nature. But the metaphor I chose is quite the opposite of this. My Metaphor for Literature is PLASTIC.

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Why Plastic? Despite the general inclination to associate Literature with positive imagery, such as gardens or mirrors, one might question the appropriateness of likening it to plastic due to its detrimental environmental impact. In light of concerns about climate change, one may argue against such a comparison. Given these considerations, why have I opted for this metaphor? I selected "Plastic" as a metaphor after considering various factors and observations.