Final Solution - Drama

The historical significance of August 15, 1947, is indelible. In addressing the challenges of Hindu-Muslim cultural relations, Mahesh Dattani created a three-act drama titled 'Final Solution.' The narrative unfolds with the character Daksha marking the Independence Day of 1948, recounting the life-altering mob violence that fueled her resentment towards Muslims. Against the backdrop of ongoing religious conflicts, innocent lives continue to suffer. As third-semester students in the Department of English at MKBU, Bhavnagar, we undertook the task of reenacting scenes from this impactful drama. This experience immersed us in the realms of theater, acting, rasa, religion, and performance, leaving a lasting impact on our lives. Personally, I portrayed the character of Hardika, the older self of Daksha, a 15-year-old married girl in 1948, whose hatred intensifies within herself. We recreated some scenes of this play on August 10th 2023. We were able to accomplish all of this thanks to the guidance of Alpa Ponda Ma'am, and we will always be grateful to her.