Presentation Slides and Blogs

The Astrologer's Identity Crisis in 'An Astrologer's Day'

This presentation is from the Paper 201: Indian English Literature – Pre-Independence, Unit 4 - Short Stories by R K Narayan (An Astrologer’s Day, Crime and Punishment) and I choose the topic Identity Crisis of Astrologer in 'An Astrologer's Day'.

This presentation is from the Paper 202: Indian English Literature – Post-Independence, Unit 4 - Three Prose Writers, The New’ Poets and Conclusion: Indian Writing in English (K R S Iyengar) and I choose the topic Cultural Context and Universal Themes in Jayanta Mahapatra's Works

Cultural Context and Universal Themes in Jayanta Mahapatra's Works
“Cruso” vs. “Crusoe”: A Comparative Character Analysis

This presentation is from the Paper 203: Postcolonial-Studies, Unit 3 - Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea and I choose the topic “Cruso” vs. “Crusoe”: A Comparative Character Analysis

This presentation is from the Paper 204: Contemporary Western Theories and Film Studies, Unit 2 - Queer Theory, Eco-Criticism, Feminism, Marxism and I choose the topic Sound: 'Foley Artistry' in Film Studies

Sound: 'Foley Artistry' in Film Studies
“Identity” through the Lens of Cultural Studies

This presentation is from the Paper 205A: Cultural Studies, Unit 1 - Cultural Studies and its Four Goals and I choose the topic “Identity” through the Lens of Cultural Studies.

Here are the two additional blogs I created, focusing on presentations. The first blog provides detailed information about the presentations I delivered, highlighting the key aspects and insights. The second blog features information and links to the presentations delivered by my classmates, allowing for further exploration and engagement.

Presentations which are attached above are the 5 Presentations which are part of Internal Marks. Here are some of the Presentations which are apart from these 5, Presented in Classroom for better understanding of the subject.

This group Presentation has a contribution of three people including me. In this Presentation you can find information about Rabindranath Tagore, his life and his novel named 'The Home and The World', it's Character, Characteristics and Themes.

The Home and The World
Blogger and Grammarly

This Presentation is a part of an ICT Workshop 2023 which we held as a senior for the batch 2023-2025 of students of MKBU. In this Presentation I gave a full idea how to handle and work on Blogger and Grammar in detail with the Screenshots.

This Presentation is a part of an ICT Workshop 2023 which we held as a senior for the batch 2023-2025 of students of MKBU. In this Presentation I gave a full idea how to handle and work on or make your own site through Google Sites.

Google Sites