Nva Ko Utkarshe...

July 23, 2023, holds a special place in my memories. Despite the rain, on that day my friends and I experienced something unique as we attended the event 'Nava Ko Utkarshe...' organized to celebrate the birth anniversary of Shri Umashankar Joshi. The more languages you learn, the more facets of your personality you uncover. While our academic studies are in the English language, we aren't merely studying English; we are gaining knowledge in the realm of literature, which encompasses all languages. The program today showcased several authors whose names have been familiar to us since childhood. However, the most treasured name among them is Umashankar Joshi, and today's event provided us with a wealth of insights about him. The first session featured a musical performance by Firdoss Dekhaiya and Aaksha Bhatt, where they melodiously sang 'Geet Gotyu Gotyu,' 'Bhomiya Vina Mare,' 'Ghatman Ghoontay Naam,' and 'Maru Jeevan Eh Mari Vani,' creating a delightful auditory experience. Following this, the first speaker, Manilal H. Patel, shared poetry by Harish Minashru, Vivek Taylor, and Parul Khakhar. In the second session, Minal Dave narrated intriguing stories about Umashankar Joshi, offering us a deeper understanding of his life. Subsequently, Jayesh Bhatt, Paresh Solanki, Jitubhai Vadher, and Nikunj Bhatt graced the stage with poetry recitals. A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved for providing us the opportunity to be part of this enlightening program.