Digital Portfolio Demonstration 2023

As a lifelong learner, every experience becomes an opportunity for learning. In the fourth semester of my Master's in English Literature, we were tasked with creating a Digital Portfolio or a personal website, the culmination of our semester's work. To facilitate understanding, a Digital Portfolio Demonstration was organized by the Department of English at MKBU. The event was open to anyone and was also live-streamed on YouTube. During the demonstration, students showcased their E-Portfolios and responded to questions such as: What is literature? What is your metaphor for literature? And how has literature shaped you? Embracing this opportunity, I strived to present my Digital Portfolio effectively. It was not just a showcase of my academic journey but an exploration of my understanding of literature. Through thoughtful responses, I aimed to elucidate the essence of literature, convey my personal metaphor for it, and articulate how literature has profoundly shaped my intellectual and personal development. In essence, this Digital Portfolio serves as a reflection of my academic and personal growth, encapsulating the transformative power of literature in shaping my perspective and enriching my journey as a student of English Literature.