Presentation Videos

Here is the final report of semester 2 Presentations Performance Chart of our class declared in a justified manner by HOD of English Department, MKBU, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, Dilip Barad sir.

Presentation Videos which are attached above are the 5 Presentations which are part of Internal Marks. Here are some of the Presentation Videos which are apart from these 5, Presented in Classroom for better understanding of the subject.

This group Presentation Video has  a contribution of 11 People and Presented by me and my classmate Trushali. In this Presentation Video which is also available on YouTube you can find information about Bob Dylan and his career and works.

This group Presentation Video has a contribution of three people including me. In this Presentation Video which available on YouTube you can find information about Wystan Hugh Auden, his life and his Poems, a little about war poetry also that how it plays major role in poets life.