Presentation Slides and Blogs

Sensory Experience and Emotional Resonance in Gabriel Okara's 'The Piano and The Drums'

This presentation is from the Paper 206: The African Literature, Unit 4 - Poems and I choose the topic The Significance of Rituals in Shaping 'A Dance of the Forests’.

This presentation is from the Paper 207: Contemporary Literature in English, Unit 1: Amitav Ghosh’s Gun Island (2019) and I choose the topic Exploring Existential Depths: Susan Macleod's Journey and the Philosophical Realm.

Exploring the Narrative Style of Amitav Ghosh's 'Gun Island’
On Translating a Tamil Poem

This presentation is from the Paper 208: Comparative Literature & Translation Studies, Unit 3: A.K. Ramanujan, “On Translating a Tamil Poem”, Collected Essays of A.K. Ramanujan, ed Vinay Dharwadkar. Oxford University Press, 1999 and I choose the topic Comparative Literature in the Digital Age.

This presentation is from the Paper 209: Research Methodology and I choose the topic Interdisciplinary Insights: Data Collection Methods.

Interdisciplinary Insights: Data Collection Methods
Beyond Borders: Understanding Anime and Manga Fandom: A Comprehensive Audience Analysis

This presentation is from the Paper 210A: Research Project Writing: Dissertation Writing and I choose the topic Beyond Borders: Understanding Anime and Manga Fandom: A Comprehensive Audience Analysis.

Here are the two additional blogs I created, focusing on presentations. The first blog provides detailed information about the presentations I delivered, highlighting the key aspects and insights. The second blog features information and links to the presentations delivered by my classmates, allowing for further exploration and engagement.

Presentations which are attached above are the 5 Presentations which are part of Internal Marks. Here are some of the Presentations which are apart from these 5, Presented in Classroom for better understanding of the subject.

Gabriel Okara

This presentation task was assigned by Megha Trivedi Ma'am, a visiting faculty at the Department of English, MKBU, Bhavnagar. This Presentation is part of a class presentation on Gabriel Okara’s ‘You Laughed and Laughed and Laughed’ and ‘The Piano and The Drums’.

This group Presentation has a contribution of three people including me. In this Presentation you can find information about 'Gun Island' by Amitav Ghosh.

Gun Island