What is Literature?


What is Literature? (Before MA)

What is Literature? (After MA)

"Literature is the art of discovering something extraordinary about ordinary people, and saying with ordinary words something extraordinary. "  

- Boris Pasternak

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become."

-C. S. Lewis

These two are different perspectives from different people on the same idea, and both are accepted as well. This is Literature, where your view, interpretation, and ideas can be accepted and criticized. Before coming to the Department of English at MKBU, my view about Literature was different, but now it has become broader, and it will broaden more in the future. This liberty of thinking and flowing in the sea of thoughts is an amazing aspect of Literature.

From my perspective, Literature holds significant importance in one's life, although it may not appeal to everyone. It has the ability to enrich and even transform someone's life. Participation in literature doesn't require specific qualifications; rather, anyone can engage with it. In today's digital age, Literature produced in two primary ways: through traditional written forms and through AI and digital tools. The latter, while innovative, poses a new challenge for creators. Nonetheless, literature remains an integral part of life, much like salt in the sea.

After several attempts, I successfully obtained some images generated by Gemini AI that illustrates the concept of 'Literature'.

I also attempted to generate a Shakespearean sonnet that describes "What is Literature?"

Upon the stage of thought, where words do dance,

In realms of ink, where musings freely roam,

There lies a realm, where hearts and minds enhance,

'Tis literature, a kingdom all its own.

In verse or prose, its wonders doth unfold,

A mirror held to life, reflecting clear,

From ancient tales to stories yet untold,

It speaks of joy, of sorrow, hope, and fear.

Through whispered lines, the human soul revealed,

Its depths explored in every tender phrase,

In tragedies, the heart's wounds are annealed,

In comedies, we laugh amidst life's maze.

So what is literature, but life's refrain,

A melody of words that ease our pain.

The meaning and definition of Literature have changed throughout the years, but the interest in it remains the same. It doesn't matter if critics praise or ban it; the magic of Literature will remain in this world. (Who knows, aliens might have an interest in Literature as well). It is not possible to give a complete idea of Literature, so the metaphor I attempt to give for Literature can be found on the next page titled "My Metaphor for Literature."