Wild Life Stories Workshops

On July 21, 2023, the Department of Life Science organized an exciting workshop called the "Wildlife Stories Workshop." The main speaker for the day was Kaushik Ghelani, a wildlife photographer. He shared captivating stories from his life and his photography journey, making it an interesting and significant workshop. Through his lens, we got to explore a whole new world—wildlife, nature, jungles, animals, birds, and insects—that thrilled us to the core. Both English and Life Science students attended this fantastic talk on July 21, 2023. We extend our gratitude to Bharatsinh Gohil Sir and Mr. Kaushik Ghelani for orchestrating such a beautiful, fruitful, and knowledgeable session focused on Indian forests and Tigers of India. During the session, we learned a multitude of things, including details about the National Parks of India, Jim Corbett, Jim Corbett National Park, Salim Ali, Dhikala Jungle, Sambhar Road, Tigers of Corbett, Grassland Tigers, Princess of Paro, Saccharum Grass, Mighty girl or Dhikala, how Tigers mark their territory, Dudhwa National Park, Barasingha, and many captivating stories about Tigers and their Cubs. The session provided us not only with knowledge but also with a lot of fun. We gained insights into the lives of animals, birds, and the jungle, understanding how nature operates. The workshop also shed light on the different seasons of nature and how it purifies itself from dirt.