
Mountains, caves, mines, subterranean worlds, and worldschooling!

From the Rocky Mountains (Arizona/Nevada) to the Wieliczka Salt Mines (Poland) via the Alps (Switzerland/Italy), the Pyrenees & The Gouffre of Padirac (France), Seoraksan (Korea), the Highlands (Scotland) and the Monteregian Hills (Canada) ). 

My children were worldschoolers during four years between Europe,  Asia, and North America (U.S. tour & Canadian Indigenous territories and reserves). 17 countries in total and they had an island for classroom for several months...

France (cave)

Quebec (subterranean worlds)


Quebec (igloo)

Arizona (Colorado river)

South Korea

Ontario (frozen lagoon)

No man's land between South and North Korea


French Polynesia (Society Islands)

Switzerland (CERN)

U.S. tour: California, Nevada, NY, NH, Florida, Maine, etc. 

Indigenous territories and reserves (always with my kids):  In 2012 I attended a postgraduate seminar in social and transcultural (Inuit) psychiatry at McGill University as well as a certificate in ethnogeriatry with Stanford University. I was able to visit Canadian Indian reserves, powwows and other Native American celebrations, archaeological crypts and Native American interpretation sites in order to take photographs to develop, in 2013, educational material culturally adapted to the Inuit and to First Nations.

Akwesasne Mohawk Territory between Ontario & New-York state

Inuit underground house

Kahnawake Mohawk Territory in Quebec

Mashteuiatsh, home to the Pekuakamiulnuatsh First Nation

Igloo by -40°C ...

Celebration for the earth (holy fire)


Corn & genetics 

Bear observation in forest (Montebello/Omega Park)

The child of the forest :-D