Miniature worlds

Bright-field "microscopy"

My goal? Take photos WITHOUT microscope! In fact I tried to build something myself (I have a lot of different lenses, light, etc.). Also, I can build myself some basic laser microscope. My next goal is to try the dark-field and fluorescence microscopy.

Handmade/Homemade technique...

Without microscope!

Versus my microscope!

I still need to improve my views in order to have the rendering of a normal microscope, but I will get there ;-)

Sun rays on a spider's web. 

Network of a spider web in my Californian garden. 

Decomposition of white light into streaks of color in a spider thread. 

Spider web.

Cucurbits stem C.S.

Human neuronal network (motor neurous cell).

Butterfly wings and iridescence.

Butterfly wings and iridescence.

Hydra - Animalcule (3 mm)

Daphni Sp W.M. - Animalcule (3 mm)

Hydra Budding - Animalcule (3 mm)

Honey Mouth parts W.M.

Bacteria cheese.

Cucurbits stem L.S.

Chromosomes...a little broken.

Volvox (1 mm)

Basswood stem - C.S.

Basswood stem - L.S.

Tilia stem. C.S.

Fibonacci and Romanesco broccoli (the pattern restarts again and again...).

© Victoria K-C. 2018-2024