Optics and Particles

"What I cannot build, I do not understand" Richard Feynman

Explorer of the subatomic, atomic, genetic, extra-galactic and "invisible"  worlds. 

 From the infinitely small to the infinitely large, here is how I see the world... 

This website has no scientific vocation. It's just my portfolio to remember my experiences...
and I hope to inspire more young people to study sciences!

You can contact me via LinkedIn.

Many travels around the world with five continents visited and almost thirty islands (in ecomode and backpack!). Passionate about Quantum worlds and Space Camps, I also have a big interest for mountains, caves, mines, and subterranean worlds!

Last ideas, my successful or missed experiences, etc. [HERE]

Portfolio in Morphology of Plants is [HERE]

My scientific and natural illustration are [HERE]

Plants, DNA and radiations (Space Radiation, Ionized Radiation, Pollution, Chimera etc.).

© Victoria Kayser-Cuny   Victoria Kayser 2018-2024

Everything is copyrighted. Last version June 16,  2024