Cloning & PCR

Photos soon!

I only practice what is legally permitted in the United States. I also took a seven week specialization course with Cambridge University (Law & Genetics). 

But do you know  the difference between cloning, PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) and bioprinting? Cloning is the art to create two organisms with the same exact genes, but with PCR I only need to take one fragment of DNA and to produce billions of copies in one hour (it's like a copy machine but instead to have paper copies you have DNA copies), which is very practical especially in Forensics sciences or Space sciences. Three dimensional bioprinting is "the utilization of 3D printing–like techniques to combine cells, growth factors, and biomaterials to fabricate biomedical parts that maximally imitate natural tissue characteristics." (wikipedia)


DNA: PCR technology (I use the same model that astronaut Nick Hague used in the ISS to study the link between DNA and Space radiation.  By the way I'm a mentor for the project "Genes in Space").

Mini 8 model

Works with an app (heat control, etc.)

Mini 8 model, Electrophoresis Blue Gel, P51


Bacteria: Golden Gate Assembly (GGA) Cloning of promoters.

Plants: Natural methodology to test some candidate crop for space flight (Hatch to ISS - PH-04 in 2021).

MOLECULAR CLONING: In 2022, to follow...

BIOPRINTING: In 2022, to follow...

CULTURING HUMAN CELLS (kidney): In 2022, to follow...

Covid tests for PCR.

Covid tests for PCR.