Biohacking & Optogenetics*

*Optic in genetic field

Staining of E. Coli bacteria (non-pathogen!) with my kids. My first experiment with E.Coli...

Some bacteria and microbes are transparent and we need to color them with methylene blue to see them. 

Always staining of E.coli microbes. Experience with my kids (at this time in worldschooling). 

Yes in blue in more easy to see it :-)

My sons 9 and 7 at this time. 

Jellyfish fluorescent gene inside a bacteria

Insert Green Fluorescent Protein from a Jellyfish gene inside a bacteria (non-pathogen E.Coli), and see how electrons are excited by ultraviolet light and how they absorb photons. 

DNA modification (bacteria thinks that fluorescent protein is from his own DNA...) under ultraviolet light.  Transformed colonies are ampicillin resistant. 

E.Coli DH5a, plasmid, LB Agar, etc. Everything you need to make some DNA modification in a Petri dish.

Experience preparation.

Me in action.

Colony of E.Coli DH5a (non-pathogen) before DNA modification.

Colony of E.Coli DH5a (non-pathogen) after DNA modification.

Colony of E.Coli DH5a (non-pathogen) again, because why not?

P51™ fluorescence viewer (visualizing the flow of genetic information and monitor transcription + translation in real-time through fluorescence: DNA/RNA/Protein)

'BioBits® pellets are tiny molecular factories that can create proteins without the need for cell culture.' 

0.2 mL versus 1.5 mL

2 kinds of DNA, kanamycin & sterile water (control test)

PCR machine to make DNA copies.

DNA/RNA/Protein/Control group

Molecular Fluorescence and how to track the dynamics of DNA with DNA base pairing (AT, GC, HT:GC)

DNA base pairing: AT, GC and HT:GC

Concentrate DNA Dye

Concentrate DNA Dye

Algaes, bioluminescence, photosynthesis and fluorescence. More photos {{HERE}}

Chlorella vulgaris for photosynthesis (light & energy).

Spirulina, Arthrospira platensis for fluorescence.

Pyrocystis fusiformis for bioluminiscence.

© Victoria Kayser-Cuny  2018-2024

The images and the website are copyrighted and not free of rights.