Last news

What's up?

I will try to put here my last ideas, my successful or missed experiences, "coup de coeur" etc.

In addition of particles photos, I make some photos in astrophotography...or miniature worlds like microbials boxes, DNA/chromosomes, etc.

I'm interested in Genetic Genealogy/DNA puzzle + in the construction of living beings from Subatomic Particles (chemistry of Life) to Evolutionary Biology and G.R.AI.N. (Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology).

September 2023 to April 2024

Learned Society (U.K.):  I was elected Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 

Studies: I continue what I started (see previous message). I have four courses left before I graduate from Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History.

Projet: Working the matter! Nanotechnologies, 3D printing, biomaterials, metal and alloy, porcelain...I test many possibilities and many materials!

Exhibitions:  One of my drawings on plant morphology was selected as a "Masterpiece" for an exhibition in the United States. Another exhibition will take place in the U.K. soon.

Pro: I manage my company. My biggest client is in the Artificial Intelligence field...

Publications:  You can find my newsletter about the G.R.AI.N. (Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Nanotechnologies) on LinkedIn. I have also published a few paper articles, including one on the microbiology of old books.

August 2023 No news but good news!

Learned Society (U.K.): I was elected Fellow of the Linnean Society of London (January 2023) and I'm a member student of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Biology (United States in remote learning via zoom): I study with Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History  to improve my sense of observation (certificate in Natural Illustration - already 13 courses on 20!). You can see my project about Morphology of Plants on this link:

Quantum Biology (France): I study Quantum Biology and Chemistry of Life + Physics-Chemistry for Biology with a French university. From the atom to the living via supra and nanoparticles (=how to construct life and DNA since particle physics/subatomic particles and elements) + intermolecular interactions, radiation-matter interaction, thermodynamics, biological waves, transport phenomena (as transfers of protons and electrons in biological medium), etc.

Pro: I manage a company.

Volunteering: I'm a volunteer as a Search Angel. I help adoptees, fatherless adults and donor conceived to find their biological family for a non-profit organization based in California.

Project:  An international glossary is currently being developed to help teachers around the world. I’m a volunteer reviewer for this glossary review system (French and English languages). The IAU Office of Astronomy for Education is the International Astronomical Union’s office dedicated to astronomy for primary and secondary education, and it is hosted by « The Haus der Astronomie » of the Max Planck Institute for astronomy.

You can make a research on the glossary on this page:

You can check my participation on this link: 

April 2022...and the next months...

No more projects for the next 3-4 months on this site.

I'm going in a long travel (North America, Europe-"Grand Tour", Asia) with my family, before my older is 18 years old and go to the university of his choice. He has already started an university program (online) with UCLA.  Whether in physics or with the family, time is precious. ❤️ 

I will study Infrared and Ultraviolet photographies, Printing with Light (Cyanotype), Symmetries in Biomorphic and Geometric Primers patterns in Islamic Illuminations/manuscripts + natural illustration on the field.

A series of articles will follow (the first will be published next April/May) in a specialized Canadian journal.

March 2022

I choose not to talk about politics and current affairs on this site...but I do on LinkedIn.


February 2022




January 2022

Happy New Year 2022!

I have a LOT of work. I created my company and I train an artificial intelligence for a company based in Silicon Valley.



September to December 2021



Books :

August 2021




July 2021

New laboratory set up...


Books & Manuals:

June 2021

I received a thank you letter from NASA for my commitment to STEM education!!!  One of my videos was selected to go to the moon (pledge to the Artemis I Mission). A bit like time capsules, this video will be seen by future generations.


May 2021

New life outside the United States...after two vaccines, three Covid tests and two quarantines...

I became independent 'Certified Expert' in Genetic Genealogy for one client who is world leader on this field.  

April 2021



Books & Manuals:

March 2021



Books & Manuals:


February 2021


  • DNA Damage: Studying the Impact of UV Light on Yeast. 
  • Mentorship: To help American & Canadian students to design a DNA experiment that addresses challenges in space travel and deep space exploration (cosmic rays and DNA). Training with "Genes in Space" and selected for a loan of PCR machine, electrophoresis and transilluminators new generation. The competition is sponsored by miniPCR, Math for America, Boeing, New England Biolabs, Inc., and the ISS National Laboratory.

Certifications (in link with geospatial metagenomics):

  • FEMA: Geospatial Information Systems Specialist 
  • United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR): Geospatial Information Technology (GIT) in Fragile Contexts 

Books & Manuals:

January 2021

Diploma in progress:

- Candidate crop for space flight (Hatch to ISS - PH-04 in 2021) sent by Jacob Torres, a NASA Engineer at the Kennedy Space Center/NASA -Advanced Plant Habitat (APH) for the project "Space Chile Grow a Pepper Plant Challenge": Peppers seeds/Chimayo Chile seeds (soon). Research about antibacterial activity.
- Showing to my teenagers some new materials (NASA samples, air pressure experiences, pig and chicken embryos, fragments of dinosaurs eggs, etc.)



August to December 2020

Diploma in progress:




And I also lost some times playing chess and make some photos for my Instagram account :-)

July 2020

My American county is in confinement since mid-March... and I try to back home (Canada) with my family...


Course in progress:

June 2020



May 2020

Diploma in progress:

Stanford genetics and genomics certificate (6 courses) with the Stanford Center Professional Development.



February, March & April 2020

Diploma in progress:

Stanford genetics and genomics certificate (6 courses) with the Stanford Center Professional Development.



January 2020

Diploma in progress:

Stanford genetics and genomics certificate (6 courses) with the Stanford Center Professional Development.


December 2019



August 2019


Juin 2019




Certification in progress:

First photo/LDEF from NASA Archives.

May 2019


Books or magazine finished this month:


April 2019


Certification in progress and MOOC:

Books finished this month:

March 2019


Books finished this month:

Certification in progress and MOOC:

February 2019


Experiences 1,2,3 :

I tested Bubble detector to calculate the neutron radiation in my city (explications soon), start a Cosmic Ray Observatory and make some activities with teenagers about the atomic world. 

Experience 4: 

So this month I tested the culture of microbes/bacteries in Petri dishes. They feed on agar agar (if you are vegan you know what it is), but honestly I don't find the same poetry there as for the atomic and subatomic world ...

Experience 5: 

I started to build some laser microscope, tunneling electron microscope etc. More details in March or April :-) #DIY #SoFun

Books and MOOC finished this month: 


December 2018
