Project for school

“If You Can't Explain it to a Six Year Old, You Don't Understand it Yourself” ALBERT EINSTEIN  

Syllabus 2019


- Teens will build handmade particle detectors and Cloud Chamber to see Cosmic Rays, use Bubble Detector like Canadian astronauts (“Investigate the sources of neutron radiation, how it interacts with matter, and its potential impact on human space travel”), learn about the subatomic world and made some experiences in optics, see why mathematics are important (translation, symmetry, data analysis etc.).

- Girls are encouraged to participate (there are not many girls in this field...).

- I will give a certificate of participation if teens participate at all workshops (10 in total/1 hour by week).

- Twenty students maximum.

We will use American, Canadian, French and Swiss resources. Students will learn why international collaboration is important in research.

It's free! Participants must only provide safety glasses + old tshirt (which can be soiled).


Goals: To build a bilingual French-English scientific culture (for example the official languages of CERN are these two languages), and to learn how to organize his work; learn more about the subatomic world; learn not to trust appearances and try to go further in his reflection.

Sequence 1:

Sequence 2: 

Sequence 3:

Sequence 4: 

Sequence 5:

Sequence 6:

Sequence 7: 

Sequence 8: 

Sequence 9:

Sequence 10: 

For many years I studied piano ... A real hearing disaster ... I realize today that I did not have the right sheet music ;-)When one of my son saw these sheets, he suggested me to start the Klingon language...

© Victoria Kayser-Cuny  2018-2024

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