CERN and my mid world tour

I visited:

- CERN/Internship;  SLAC-Stanford Linear Accelerator/Open Day; University of Toronto (McLennan physical laboratories)/Open Day to see my first particle chamber; model 1/10 in Japan of the Super-Kamiokande (neutrinos); DMZ/No man's land between North Korea and South Korea (6 nuclear tests in this place until 2017); NASA Ames/Space radiation + soon the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab). A world tour a little special ;-) 

CERN/Geneva/December 2018

With 17 other French educators in sciences.

Internship program in particle physics for scientific education funded by CERN/Switzerland, the French organization “Fondation La main à la pâte” (Founded by the Academy of Sciences in France and the Nobel Prize in Physics George Charpak) and French Ministry of Education. Access to the S’Cool Lab and The Globe of Science and Innovation, both inside CERN, for workshops and masterclass on Data.

Validation of the internship program: report about project for French students (Build particles detector; make Cloud Chamber to see cosmic particles and natural radiation visible in classroom; visit of the SLAC Stanford in 2019 etc). 

+ Exploring neutron radiation on Earth and in Space/Cosmic Radiation with an educational project of Lets Talk Science/Canadian Space Agency/Canadian Nuclear Safety, and “Investigate the sources of neutron radiation, how it interacts with matter, and its potential impact on human space travel”. (Access to Bubble Detector-Personal Neutron Dosimeter). Photos coming in 2019. 

SLAC/Menlo Park/2019

In 2019 I visited in Open Day/Public tour the SLAC (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory of Stanford University).

Model 1/10 in Japan of the Super-Kamiokande (neutrinos).

© Victoria Kayser-Cuny  2018-2024

The images and the website are copyrighted and not free of rights.