Other experiences in optics with my students or in family

McLennan Physical Laboratories of the University of Toronto

Polytechnique Montreal

Polytechnique Montreal for one of my kid.

Polytechnique Montreal - First telescope :-)

One of my kids spent 100 hours in the school for future engineer Polytechnique Montreal  between Summer Camps, Saturday Scientific Club for Young etc when he was between 9 and 11 years old (At the age of 9/10 years he developed his own levels of video games). I took the opportunity to access the library of Polytechnique Montreal and read a lot about optics and Human factors in flight (hence my interest in neutron radiation and radiation on astronauts).

Today my son makes Stop-Motion and is very interested by motion ("change in position of an object over time"). His videos are extremely fluid. He tries to find the right FPS (Frame by second) that would better simulate the reality ... He have his lab in our garage. Maybe a future physicist?...Or Director movie...

And me it makes me want to see always smaller (subatomic world) or bigger and far (astronomy). I started making my first telescope and I make most of my filters. I think about a prototype in this field... ;-)

McLennan Physical Laboratories of the University of Toronto

McLennan Physical Laboratories of the University of Toronto - Optical Bench

McLennan Physical Laboratories of the University of Toronto -Optical Bench

Virtual reality

Fisher Library - University of Toronto

Fisher Library - special exhibition with very old books and first prints: Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein etc.

Sir Isaac Newton...A treatise of the reflexions, refractions, inflexions and colours of light. (1704)

Some test with a laser, water and protractor... very boring by the way... #Snell's law is boring


Generator of waves in the bathroom.

Green screen for Stop Motion - TIFF - Toronto

Play alchemists: heat an eggshell, immerse it in the water and a metal type appearance will appear.

Part 2

Part 3

Staining of E. coli microbes, because I did not know it before, but some bacteria and microbes are transparent and we need to color them with methylene blue to see them.

Always staining of E.coli microbes. 

E.Coli and microscope. Yes in blue in more easy to see it :-)

Microscope 1

Centre naturalia - Montréal

Microscope 2

Planétarium - Montréal

Microscope 3

Research laboratory - Biodome - Montréal

Astronomy event to see Moon and Venus. #love you RASC

University of Toronto. Sun's reflection in a paper sheet.

Special telescope, with special lenses, to see Mercury in front of the Sun. #love you RASC

Microscope 4

Centre naturalia - Montréal

Microscope 5

Icebreaker Amundsen - Canadian Cost guard

Icebreaker Amundsen

Microscope 6

Royal Ontario Museum - Toronto

Glassblower, in the heart of the matter. Toronto.

Optical Science - Ontario Science Centre

Some tests at Casa Loma - Toronto

"Blind Spot" Exposition -Toronto

Speleology - France (Gouffre de Padirac)

Speleology - France (Grottes de Cougnac)

Speleology - Canada (Grottes de Montreal)

Speleology - Canada (Grottes de Montreal)

Fractals on spheres - Momath - New York

Baby shark in his membrane (we would watch him every week ... #taketime) - Toronto Aquarium.

My former butterfly farm in my classroom... #so magic #translucency

Exhibition about firefly.

Manufacture of plant pigments. Montreal.

Manufacture of plant pigments. Montreal.

Manufacture of plant pigments.

Optical illusion - Ontario Science Centre 

Benham's disk and optical illusion.

© Victoria Kayser-Cuny  2018-2024

The images and the website are copyrighted and not free of rights.