Muons, protons and their friends

Here we have electron or positron, particle decay and muons from cosmic ray.

In details: Particle decay (forked tracks), electron or positron (zig-zags and curly-cues).

Particle decay. It's like ghost particles. Imagine a plane that has already left but that would have left traces in the sky ...

Cloud Chamber - McLennan Physical Laboratories of the University of Toronto. 

My first experience of a Cloud Chamber/Particle dectector was with the McLennan Physical Laboratories of the University of Toronto during an Open Day. It was like Christmas in May and an important turning point in my life! I first heard about it from the writings of the American physicist Michio Kaku and I sincerely thought it was inaccessible to me... Today I work, on my free time, on my first U.S. patent in this field. More details in 2019. #my passions are weird

For example, at CERN, in the LHC, a tube of 10 cm = 100 billion of protons. Unlike my photos on atoms and electrons, here I am sure they are muons, protons, etc. (patterns/Feynman diagram). My personal goal for 2019 is to build a Proton Precession Magnetometer, just like that for the fun!... and because we don't have much to do in Silicon Valley apart from building stuff... ;-)

CERN - Scool Lab

Cloud chamber handmade by my team.

Zen attitude...

Basic material

Dry Ice for Particle Chamber

If you work with kids or teenagers you can make the link with Cloud cycle/Basic Cloud Chamber.

Same thing.

© Victoria Kayser-Cuny  2018-2024

The images and the website are copyrighted and not free of rights.