Algaes & chemical seaworlds

I am interested by algaes and light (photosynthesis, fluorescence, bioluminescence, ecoenergy for Earth and Space exploration), and by chemical seaworlds. I make also some tests in genetics.

Algaes & Light

Pyrocystis fusiformis in the day.

Pyrocystis fusiformis by night for bioluminiscence. It's not like in the movie Life of Pie, but I'm happy with my results :-) Let me dream...

Pyrocystis fusiformis by night, they have a circadian cycle like us.

Soon with the microscope and other tests in optics.

Chlorella vulgaris for photosynthesis (light & energy)

Chlorella vulgaris (experiences with my teenagers during Covid-19)

Spirulina, Arthrospira platensis for fluorescence.

Spirulina, Arthrospira platensis and yes it's fluo under light.

Artificial  & chemical seaworlds (MEL science box with my teenagers to understand the differences between elements, molecules and reactions in Chemistry).

Chemical Jellyfish (artificial sea)

Iron chloride + manganese sulfate + iron sulfate + copper sulfate.

Iron chloride + manganese sulfate + iron sulfate + copper sulfate.

Approx. 1 cm

Chemical seaweed (artificial sea)

Iron chloride + copper sulfate + potassium hexacy-anoferrate + zinc sulfate.

If you like Jellyfish, you can see how I inserted Green Fluorescent Protein from a Jellyfish gene inside a bacteria (non-pathogen E.Coli).

Microalgaes under microscope

Chlorella (food for my Tardigrades)

Chlorella in a living culture.

© Victoria Kayser-Cuny  2018-2024

The images and the website are copyrighted and not free of rights.