NASA and Citizen projects

I am a NASA and STE(A)M* education big fan...So when I can, I'm volunteer for some projects since 10 years! My name has traveled three times in Space (Osiris-Rex and Bennu, INSIGHT Misson to Mars, Parker Solar Probe) and soon in 2020 with NASA's Mars 2020 rover ;-)

*STE(A)M= Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics

June 2021

I received a thank you letter from NASA for my commitment to STEM education!!! One of my videos was selected to go to the moon. A bit like time capsules, this video will be seen by future generations :-)

"ESA Teach with Space" program.

Function:  Professional Development in STEM Education - "ESA Teach with Space" program.
Selected with 35 other European and Canadian science educators for this first cohort/online edition of the “ESA Teach with Space” (online professional development because of the Covid). Space is used as a context to inspire more girls in S.T.E.M. studies and in the space/mathematic field in particular.
Workshops & mathematics projects about:- 3D design in education (3D tools, augmented reality, 3D printing, Moon Camp Challenge, products for blind and visually impaired students, introduction to bioprinting, etc.) with an ESA Advanced Manufacturing Engineer. + NASA EPDC webinar: "ISS Technology: 3D Printing Food for Astronauts".- Run experiments on the ISS with coding & scientific experimentation (AstroPi, Python initiation with Raspberry Pi, communicate with astronauts aboard the ISS, etc.) + NASA EPDC Math series (Geometry of Fluids in Space, Computational Thinking, Math & Astrobiology, etc.).- Data and Earth observation satellites/geospatial analysis to study climate change + NASA EPDC (Visualizing the COVID-19 Pandemic from Space), etc. 

Mountain View District

Function: President/Chairwoman (ELAC) & District Member Representative (DELAC) - Elected for 2019-2020
Advanced Education in Silicon Valley with the best practices in U.S. - top ranked in the best 10 % (technology, teaching, equality vs. equity, curriculum). Micro & macro-politics, leadership and data in education:
- Member representative for a District English Language Advisory Committee (it's under the responsibility of the Director of Federal, State & Strategic Programs). Purpose and my role were to advise the district governing board on programs and services available for their students in order to achieve academic success; review funding from the state and federal government; review district wide plans (such as the Local Control Accountability Plan); analyze data; review community organizations and service providers in education/educational technology; recommendations for online school during the Covid-19; etc. 
- President elected/Chairwoman for an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) to help students and immigrant families (mostly Hispanic and Latino American families) with English like second or third language.

MX-Train like an astronaut

Function: Country Lead/Canadian Coordinator for the Worldwide educational project "MX Train like an astronaut". June 2016 to July 2018 (and since for European Space Agency).
I depended directly on NASA-Houston (Human Research Program Engagement and Communications) and I was the link in English/French languages between NASA and schools/teams/general public in Canada. Strategic planning; coordinate all Canadian Teams; give workshops (NASA’s Space Apps Toronto/Youth Program); looking for partners etc. Contacts with Canadian Space Agency and other space agencies, NASA International Space Apps Challenge, private companies etc. In 2017, MX was represented by 35 countries, 10 space agencies (NASA, ESA, CNES, JAXA/Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency etc.) and more than 100. 000 participants. International working group.  My name is on several reports (NASA, ESA/ESERO). 

Apollo 11/Smithsonian Digital volunteers

Function: Smithsonian digital volunteer.Since January, 2019.
- Project PHaEDRA (“Preserving Harvard’s Early Data and Research in Astronomy”). Harvard College Observatory is now the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. I help to transcribe the first data of the Harvard College Observatory’s women computers (paleography, Python language). Transcription will be full-text searchable on the NASA Astrophysics Data System and DASCH/Digital Access to a Sky Century at Harvard. During this time, 1900-1920, early Women computer worked on 500.000 glass plate photos and 2.500 logbooks/notebooks. 
- Sounds recording from Apollo 11 Launch (National Air and Space Museum's Archives' United States Space Program Oral History Collection) - loops of audio from the launch director at NASA to transcript. 

LDEF/Seeds for Teachers + I.S.S./Tomatosphere

Function: Realize an old dream of a teenager ... Since 2014.
My project is on Invisible/Subatomic worlds and radiation effects on plants. Seeds were exposed to various levels of ionizing radiation + seeds from the International Space Station/ISS transported by SpaceX CRS-10 Dragon in March 2017 + seeds from LDEF/NASA's Long Duration Exposure Facility transported by Challenger/1984 and Columbia/1990. I will see if there are DNA modification, collect some data + cloning plants, make chimera etc.There are a link with my training and project with CERN/Fondation La main à la pâte (phase 1 & 2) and project with Let’s Talk Science/Radi-N2. 
Creation of the new chimera (copyrighted).

CERN and astroparticles

Function: Selectioned with 17 other French educators in sciences. Full Fellowship. October, 2018 to June, 2019.
Internship program in particle physics for scientific education funded by CERN/Switzerland and the French organization “Fondation La main à la pâte” (Founded by the Academy of Sciences in France and the Nobel Prize in Physics George Charpak).  
Validation of the internship program: report/thesis about research in subatomic physics in education and and Astroparticules: Build particles detector; make Cloud Chamber to see cosmic particles and natural radiation visible in classroom, use Bubble detector, NASA resources etc.

NASA International Space Apps Challenge

Function: Canadian Country Lead for MX-Train like an astronaut/Space Advocate. May, 2017. 
I gave workshop about Mathematics and Space (Visualization of Algebra) for MX-Train like an astronaut/Youth program. 


Function: Citizen scientist (Foils searching: Interstellar dust particles). Since August, 2019.
Citizen science project launched by NASA and University of California-Berkeley (Space sciences laboratory). Images from Stardust spacecraft.Data classification from the stardust spacecraft's sample return capsule (Foils searching: interstellar dust particles). I have analyzed 10.000 images for the moment - research on enlarged 80 micron aluminum photos. It's like to look for a needle in a haystack... But I have a very good sight ;-)

Radi&You in Space

Function: Science Educator Participant to the project Radi-N2 & You (Neutron radiation and Cosmic Rays). February to June 2019.
Exploring neutron radiation on Earth and in Space/Cosmic Radiation with an educational project of Lets Talk Science/Canadian Space Agency/Canadian Nuclear Safety, and “Investigate the sources of neutron radiation, how it interacts with matter, and its potential impact on human space travel”. 
Access to Bubble Detector-Personal Neutron Dosimeter. The data collected were compared in parallel with those from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (underground Observatory) and those from International Space Station. 
Project available only for 300 teachers/educators in sciences.  

NASA STEM Educator Professional Development Collaborative 

Function: Student/educator in professional development. Since 2015.
Professional development for teachers and educators. I have followed 90 courses/webinars. It's a collaboration between Texas University and NASA.

NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 

Function: NASA Citizen scientist, astronomer. 
Images from NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Data Analysis images of Martian polar ice caps
For my participation, my maiden name is mentioned here: 

Mars project Next Generation

Function: Education Content Writer. Since 2015.
My personal project. Two accounts: 900 followers; 15.000 teachers used my products and estimate of 300,000 students who used the resources through their teacher/ratio 1:20.