Astronomy and astronauts

I am a member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada and I had two certificates with them (Explore the universe with 55 observations and Explore the Moon). I prepare also some certificates in astrophotography. I have studied a little in Extragalactic Astrophysics, cosmology and particle physics. Thanks to NASA, I followed 90 webinars / courses for scientific educators and teachers. I am the Canadian coordinator of the former educational NASA's project "MX-Train like an astronaut" now funded by ESA.

More photographies in astronomy and cosmic rays to coming. Tests and experiences in progress/research and design... I hope to file my first U.S. patent in 2019 in Astroparticules and Instrumentation.

In 2019, I gave some workshops to French students about astroparticles and study neutron radiation with some Canadian students

Milky way

Lunar X is a clair-obscur effect (light and shadow).

Sun with special filter. Don't look the sun without filter!

Cosmic rays in a particle detector. More informations here.

Greenland. Few minutes before sunrise.

Insomnia to CERN

CERN - Globe of innovation. Cosmic rays.

CERN - S'Cool lab. Cloud chamber handmade by my team, to see muons and protons from a Cosmic Rays.

Straight Sun rays by normal weather.

Sun rays by minus 30 degrees Celsius (we can see different color spectra; the rays "bend" with the cold).

Optical illusion of two suns.

Test during a solar eclipse.

First tests in spectroscopy (Fraunhofer lines).

Sirius star and first tests in spectroscopy and stars.

McLennan Physical Laboratories of the University of Toronto. #Open day

Wind tunnel in Spain.

#proprioception in Space

Cité de l'espace in France. Senses in Space with my kids.

Odors in Space and molecules.

Space Camp in Canada with my kids.

Space Camp in Canada.

Space Camp in Canada.

Space Camp in Canada.


© Victoria Kayser-Cuny  2018-2024

The images and the website are copyrighted and not free of rights.