
Constance Rourk

Excuse me

I hate to meddle, but I overheard you are making funeral arrangements.

My condolences

I’m Constance Rourke

I love writing about the tales of true American culture.

Davy Crockett and James Audubon are just a couple of my published works.

While your husband's passing is surely sad,

I'm sure there is a fine story to tell about his life.

For the Target Poster

Rourke graduated from, and also taught at, Vassar College. She was a widely read author of books about Davy Crockett and James Audubon. Near the end of her life, she turned her talents towards the subject of the everyday affairs of ordinary people, Native American culture and a history of American humor.

Nora Carr

Oh darling, you look so sad and lost

I'm Nora Carr

Entrepreneur and owner of Forever Young beauty products

and a widow myself

My dear, you'll feel better about the loss of your husband

if you feel good about yourself.

Shall we employ some of my products to reveal your obvious beauty ... and then go out for a soda?

For the Target Poster

Widow Carr was an entrepreneur and owner of Forever Young beauty products. She started selling soap and perfume door to door to help support her 5 children after a divorce. At its height, the business had nearly 70 employees. After her death in 1915, her children ran the business for another 35 years.

Emma Cole

Oh .. we haven't met

I am sorry for the loss of your husband

I can attest to the wonderful father he must have been

because I'm Emma Cole

and was your lovely children's teacher at Central

now the Kent Scientific Institute

where I am presently employed as a botanist and preservationist

I do hope you will have the means to preserve your husband in a manner in which he deserves

For The Target Poster:

The Grand Rapids Public Museum started as the Kent Scientific Institute, also the site of Central High School where Emma began her teaching career. She studied botany and zoology at Cornell and eventually formed the herbarium that became the cornerstone of the museum’s natural history collection.

William Herpolsheimer - New

(with a light german accent)

William G. Herpolsheimer

At your service!

Dry goods is my specialty

You know...... the finest citizens here... all wear the latest fashions from... our store

And... the chill in grand Rapids... can be harsh... in the evenings

I'm not sure that you......... (he will look the person up and down)

are wearing proper clothing for that.

For The Target Poster:

William was born in Prussia and came to the United States as a young teen. After serving in the military during the Civil War, he entered the dry goods business, eventually forming a partnership with Voight. He became the director of the Grand Rapids National City Bank and an extraordinarily generous philanthropist.

William Herpolsheimer

(with a light german accent)

William G. Herpolsheimer

At your service!

Dry goods is my specialty

You know...... the cultured citizens here are all clothed from our fine collections

And... the chill in grand Rapids can bite precipitously in the evenings

I'm not sure that you......... (he will look the person up and down)

are wearing proper attire for that.

Josephina Goss(Done)-pitch shift down strictest version


Oh... what lovely children you have

They will of... of course... be required to learn english

My name is Josephina Ahnefeldt Goss

And... as a member of the board of education

I can tell you we have many fine schools

However there are some minimum requirements regarding dress

Before one may attend

Chan Hoy is not in this photo... but this is how a Chinese businessman looked in the era.

Chan Hoy (Done w/ pitch shift up)

Sean F

(with heavy Chinese accent)

Nǐ hǎo ... Hello

I am... Chan Hoy

proprietor of Hon Far Lo Chinese Restaurant

Grand Rapids Herald has claimed it to compare fav-or-ably

with best of the larger cities.

I have celery shortage

My restaurant be your customer

If we come to agreement on price

So... get your tools and start farming

C.C.Comstock Done


Good lord

you must be here for work in my pail factory

I'm C. C Comstock

did you know we produce sashes, doors and blinds as well........ Business is booming!

You look lost.

Have you just arrived in the city today?

I can provide housing for you

but it's too far away to walk from here.

Dr. Ezra Ezra Sprague Holmes (Done)


(caucasian accent)

I'm Dr Ezra Sprague Holmes

Dentist... and...more importantly

President, secretary... and... treasurer of the Kent Scientific Institute

Which... I would not be at all surprised to find one day

Evolving into a great public museum in this fine city

Hmmm, good person

you seem be feeling a bit under the weather

You've been on a long journey

And... it's left you feeling ill........ indeed. "

Andrew J. Blackbird (Done)



I'm Andrew J. Blackbird

A leader of the Ottawa nation

Since you are new to this region

I will give you a copy of my book

"The History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan

You are starting a farm I hear?

Well, be wary

there are rabbits that will eat your whole farm in these parts

William T. Powers (Done)



"I don’t believe we’ve met

I'm William T. Powers

I've been in both the lumber and furniture manufacturing businesses

successfully, I might add

and now I own the Opera House

Will I see you at our big event tonight?

Perhaps we can discuss politics afterward at the Inn

You do have tickets don't you?

J.C. Craig (Done)

I'm J.C. Craig

I grew up a slave in Kentucky

but I became a travelin’ man

Wound up here during the Civil War

I own and operate my own electrified barber shop now

It's good to see ol’ folks like me arriving here from the South now and then

But It's a long trip

and they usually arrive ‘bout skin and bones.

Anna Bissel (Done)


Did you know?

The first woman corporate CEO Me!

Anna Bissel

Head of Bissel Carpet Sweepers

Have you heard about the latest house fire?

Regrettably (gasp)... Old Mr. Brown perished

These fires are all to common

I do hope you have insurance?