Teaching Standards

Third Grade

3 – G4.0.2 — Describe diverse groups that have come into a region of Michigan and reasons why they came (push/pull factors). (H)

3 – G4.0.1 — Describe major kinds of economic activity in Michigan today, such as agriculture (e.g., corn, cherries, dairy), manufacturing (e.g., automobiles, wood products), services and tourism, research and development (e.g.,Automation Alley, life sciences corridor, university communities), and explain the factors influencing the location of these economic activities. (E)

3 – G4.0.3 — Describe some of the current movements of goods, people, jobs or information to, from, or within Michigan and explain reasons for the movements. (E)

3 – G4.0.4 — Use data and current information about the Anishinaabeg and other American Indians living in Michigan today to describe the cultural aspects of modern American Indian life; give an example of how another cultural group in Michigan today has preserved and built upon its cultural heritage.

3 – E1.0.3 — Analyze how Michigan’s location and natural resources influenced its economic development (e.g., how waterways and other natural resources have influenced economic activities such as mining, lumbering, automobile manufacturing, and furniture making). (H, G)

Fourth Grade

4 – E1.0.6 — Explain how competition among buyers results in higher prices and competition among sellers results in lower prices (e.g., supply, demand).

4 – E1.0.5 — Explain how specialization and division of labor increase productivity (e.g., assembly line). (H)

4 – E1.0.2 — Describe some characteristics of a market economy (e.g., private property rights, voluntary exchange, competition, consumer sovereignty, incentives, specialization).

Sixth Grade

6 – G4.3.2 — Describe patterns of settlement by using historical and modern maps (e.g., coastal and river cities and towns in the past and present, locations of megacities – modern cities over 5 million, such as Mexico City, and patterns of agricultural settlements in South and North America).