
After Effects Template

Download the zip file that contains files necessary for the template

Upload Video File here

  • Google Drive For AR Videos
  • Create a folder with your full character name on it
  • In the folder include:
    1. After Effects file.
    2. PNG sequence (in its own folder).
    3. Audio VO file.
    4. Exported MP4 video (from After Effects/Media Encoder).

AR Video Specifications

Exporting from your Animation Software

  1. Adjust you export pixel dimensions to 1024 w. x 1254 h.
  2. Export a PNG Sequence with an alpha channel (so your background is transparent).

After Effects Adjustments

Apply a Curve adjustment to the Overlay Texture Layer as shown to the right.

Make sure the audio is doubled up as shown below

After Effects > Video Set Up & Rendering

  1. Download the After Effects Template.
  2. Set up a folder and place in it:
    • The AE template file you downloaded
    • Your PNG Sequence
    • Your VO audio file
    • Name your Folder: CharacterLastName-ARvideo
  3. Open the After Effects Template file.
  4. Replace the AR Bust/OSA_AugR_TargetV4-Template footage with your png sequence.
  5. Replace the audio file with your audio.
  6. Update all captions keyframes with the correct text and move them to match your audio timing.
  7. Add 2 seconds of pause at the beginning and end (your first and last frame should be identical).
  8. Adjust the mask in the AR Bust Animation layer as needed.
  9. If your png sequence has color, use a Hue/Sat color effect to desaturate it.
  10. Apply Curves to your AR Bust Animation layer to achieve a very high contrast appearance (see style guide and finished examples).
  11. Export your video from After Effects:
      1. Choose File > Export > Add to Adobe Media Encoder Queue...
      2. Wait for Media Encoder to open and link to the After Effects document (may take a few minutes).
      3. Once your project adds to the Media Encoder Queue, rename the Output File to: CharacterLastName-AR-Video.mp4
      4. Click the small green arrow in the upper-right to render the final MP4 video file.

Final Prep

Spell and Grammar Check

  • Cross check your subtitles to the original scripts
  • Work with Chris or Bill to check subtitle phrasing
  • Export new video file (if changes were made)
  • Include "-a" at the end of your new video and After Effects file

Folder Contents

Name your folder like this example: Blackbird_LukeCleveland-AR-Video. Include only the following files:

  • OSA__AR-V4-Template (.aep)
  • Audio voice over file (.wav)
  • OSA_AugR_TargetV4-Template (.psd)
  • PNG sequence folder
  • Original animation editor file (Modo, Maya, Animate, etc.)
  • Exported video
      • Name this video like this example: Blackbird-AR-video (.mp4)

File Upload

Upload your entire folder to this Google Drive Folder:

Test Download

  • Download your folder from the Google Drive
  • Open the After Effects files form the downloaded folder
  • If files are missing... add them to your Google Drive folder and repeat test