Meeting Notes

Email sent to Gina Bivins (Historian)

CCd Alex Forist, Erin Koren, Brooke Jevicks

Aug 21, 2018

Hello Gina,

I am a professor at KCAD and have been working with Alex Forist and Brooke Jevicks on a collaborative project between KCAD and GRPM. It is a place-based augmented-reality-driven game that would be played in Old Grand Rapids. We are targeting it to be an educational experience and would like to have you on our development team to help us determine learning priorities and ensure that the history that we integrate is accurate and relevant.

You can see all of the details about the project on this tracker site.

The class that is working on the project meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 - 6:20. I am hoping that you can meet with us on the following dates some time within or all of the 3:30 - 6:20 time-frame. we can meet at GRPM and/or KCAD.

  • Monday, September 17
  • Wednesday, September 19
  • Monday, September 24

There, I would like to:

  • Determine which historical events, persons, places etc. would be most important to integrate.
  • Establish some resources for the students to perform research.
  • Brainstorm some game ideas.

Alex and Erin, it would be great if you could make it to some of these sessions as well. There will be 3-5 students plus me.

Email sent to Erin Koren (Edu Director)

CCd Alex Forist, Gina Bivens, Brooke Jevicks

Aug 21, 2018

Hello Erin,

I am a professor at KCAD and have been working with Alex Forist and Brooke Jevicks on a collaborative project between KCAD and GRPM. It is a place-based augmented-reality-driven game that would be played in Old Grand Rapids. We are targeting it to be an educational experience and would like to have you on our development team to explore how it can fit into and support your mission as well as function seamlessly within your current educational programming.

You can see all of the details about the project on this tracker site.

The class that is working on the project meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 - 6:20. I am hoping that you can meet with us on Wednesday, September 5 at the museum during part or all of that time frame. There, I would like to set some goals for how the game can be integrated into the educational mission at GRPM. It would be great if we could spend some time in Old Grand Rapids as well.

Alex and Gina, it would be great if you could make it as well. There will be 3-5 students plus me. If Wednesday, the 12th, will fit into your schedule better, that would also work for us.


at GRPM with Alex Forist & Brooke Jevicks

August 14

Proposed Meeting Dates

September 5: 3:45 at GRPM

  • Interview staff: (review the Old Grand Rapids Space directly after)

September 12: 3:30 at Museum School

  • Interview musees (we will walk them to KCAD after school)

September 17, 19, 24: at 3:30 PM at GRPM or KCAD

  • Historical research with historian: Identifying the landmark historical facts from that era?

October 3: at 3:30 at GRPM or KCAD

  • Present game concepts to staff & musees

November 28: at 3:30 at KCAD

  • Final presentation to staff & musees

Team Building


Education expert?

Exhibitions expert: Alex Forist

Questions I Have for Education Director

  • I Immerse the best option for integrating the game into GRPM experiences.
  • Any other use cases in addition to Immerse?
  • Number of players (Immerse)
  • Age range of players (Immerse)
  • Target learning outcomes (Immerse)
  • Time allotment for game (Immerse)
  • Additional locations available for group discussion, puzzle solving, etc. (Immerse)

Questions for Alex

  • Can you imagine the public being able to download the app on their phone and having the experience ad hoc?
  • What about school field trips?

Email to Alex Foris

August 16 2018

Hi Alex,

Here are some tentative dates for meeting with you and your staff on the Old Grand Rapids Project

Wednesday, September 5 at 3:30 pm at GRPM

Meet with you and any other GRPM staff that you think would be relevant... for 1.5 - 2 hours


  • How educational programs/experiences typically work at GRPM
  • What are good age targets
  • How is technology typically handled
  • How are field trips typically handled
  • Anything you would like to add
  • Tour the space

Wednesday, September 12, 17, 19, 24 at 3:30 at GRPM and KCAD

Meet with whoever you think would be best, and would be interested in collaborating with us. They can intersect with us at their convenience.


  • Defining the historical learning goals for the game.
  • Conceptualize how those goals can be integrated into the game

Wednesday, October 3 at 3:30 at GRPM or KCAD

  • KCAD presents game concept(s) to GRPM staff for feedback

Wednesday, November 28 at 3:30 at GRPM or KCAD

  • KCAD present the final game concept and shows prototypes to GRPM staff

Our door will be open to any staff to come and work with us throughout the semester. We will be meeting Mondays and Wednesdays for 3:30 - 6:20

Please let me know if those dates can work and who we might be meeting with.

Thanks Alex!

Email to Kim Rowland

August 10 2018

Offer Withdrawn by me

Hi Kim,

I have a great opportunity for some Musees to collaborate with KCAD on a project. Our faculty and students will be working on an augmented reality game that can be played in Old Grand Rapids. Here is the project website where you can see all the details.

In a perfect scenario, we would have 3-6 students work directly with our students and faculty after school. Sometimes we would meet at KCAD and sometimes at the museum. They will be listed in the credits in the app. Susan can chaperone the students on the days they walk to KCAD and until 3:30 when we can get to your school.

The dates they would be involved is flexible and dependent on how often the students themselves would like to participate. If they meet with us 6 times or more, perhaps they could get a Lyceum credit?

Here is the schedule I have set up right now (it can flex)

September 12: at Museum School: Interview Musees on the topics of games, learning and classroom management

September 17,19, 24: at GRPM or KCAD Historical research and game concept development with historian: Identifying the landmark historical facts from that era?

September 26, Oct 1, Game concept finalization

October 3: at GRPM or KCAD Present game concepts to staff

So basically, 7 sessions (1 hour each) from September 12 through October 1.

If that's not possible... 1 session on Sep. 12.

It would be great if you or another teacher could come once, or more to provide some input as well.

Please let me know if this is do-able.