
AR Figure Color Study

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Note: Motion will help figures pop out of the environment

Natural Color

  • Plus: Natural skin tones make it easier to distinguish race and ethnicity
  • Plus: More historically accurate and based in realism like the Old Streets themselves.
  • Negative: Characters will blend into the environment is some cases. Not optimized for sight impaired.
Older Caucasian
Young Caucasian
American Indian
African American

Blue Tint Color

  • Plus: Figures blend less into the environment and are little better for the sight impaired.
  • Neutral... stylization is less realistic, but sets the media in an entertainment media genre.
  • Negative: The skin tones may not align well with race and ethnicity. (although other visual and audio queues will be available to tell that story)
Older Caucasian
Young Caucasian
American Indian
Native American

Stone Color

  • Plus: Stone 'monument' look provides a historical feel i n a unique way (projects importance).
  • Plus: Moving away from realism places less pressure on making lip-syncing and facial expressions realistic (they could be stylized)
  • Plus: Characters pop out of the environment well for sight impaired
  • Negative: May not translate well in 2d or lend itself to variations in style
  • Negative: Less room for variation
  • Negative: Race and ethnicity difficult to express


  • Plus: Best for sight impaired
  • Negative: not realistic at all
  • Negative: Looks kind of sci-fi