Possible AR Targets

Finalizing Concepts

call or email Bill anytime for discussion: 616-901-3462 - fischerb@ferris.edu



  • The museum aims to create stories that connect with the students, and evoke emotion. The overall goal is to create empathy. Chief curator Alex Forist says "we tell stories that revolve around objects". That is literally a perfect application for AR!
  • Target age is 8 yrs to 12 yrs
  • Groups at each station should be limited to 3 students
  • Each station (target area) will be engaged for about 1 minute


  • Yankees: Came with money to buy land for lumbering operations that provide wood for the furniture industry
  • Recent European immigrants: English is their second language (Dutch, German, Latvian, Lithuanian, Irish, Italian, Lebanese, Polish): Most came for jobs, the ability to eventually own property and improve their station in life, which was hard to do in Europe. The Dutch came in search of religious freedom. The Italians were known for their carving skills and were valued by the furniture industry.
  • Native Americans: Ottawa and Ojibwa: Largely driven out of the city by now, but some remain.
  • African Americans: Migrated from the South after the civil war: Mostly engaged in farming


  • Price of goods or services
  • Immigration (see character definition)
  • Migration (see character definition)
  • Riverbanks full of steam driven factories that use the river water
  • Finely crafted furniture created by highly skilled designers and artisans

Narrative Ideas

  • Crime, Escape, Journey, Romance, Heroism, Entrepreneurialism, Ethnic Tensions, etc.

AR Elements We Want To Demonstrate

  • 3D Animation, 2D Animation, Video, Audio, Text

Formatting Your Concepts

Because this is our first AR project, we did not have a ready-made template example to work within. I created this template and populated it with a couple of examples based on student concepts (Charlie and Alex; you have no obligation to use my ideas, or you can, if you want). To ensure you have all the needed elements in your concepts... please use a template exactly like these examples for the final definition. Place the template at the top of your ideation document.

Outline For Charlie's Barrel Concept

  • Place: Barrel Factory
  • Target: 3D printed label/object fastened to the top of a barrel
  • Target Position: Make sure the barrel is not too tall for 3rd graders and person's in a wheel chair
  • Object or Character: Stow-away
  • Larger Story: African American teens are wanting to leave the farms to find employment in the factories located in the city.
  • Relation To The Larger story: Stow-away teen is hiding from their father who needs them them back at the farm.
  • Theme: Migration, manufacturing and breweries.

Story summary

An African American teen that left the farm to look for a job in the furniture factories takes refuge in an empty beer barrel, hiding from his father who needs him back home to help with the harvesting.

Create Story Sketches

Sketch: Shows the 3d printed sticker target with the initial AR image projecting from it. The AR image includes a 2d image of the teen, popping their head out of the barrel, looking around. Text scrolls along the bottom that says "Man, I'm tired of that farm. I'd rather work at this barrel factory and make more money. I hope my dad doesn't find me and take me back home for the harvest." Audio note: a teens voice recites the dialogue as written in the text.

Outline for Emma Harrow's Concept

Place: Barrel Factory

Target: Words “Silver Foam”

Target Position: Sticker on barrel

Object or Character: Spout appears on barrel and starts spewing beer into street

Larger Story: Opening and success of Grand Rapids Brewing comapany

Relation to Larger Story: Their signature beer was Silver Foam

Theme: Business, Beer, Breweries

Story Summary

Silver Foam lager became a bestseller in several states and its popularity helped the brewery to grow into a several-block complex with large bottling facilities, an auditorium and apartments.

Concept Sketch

Outline for Alec's Gun Concept

Gun shop - 1.info about the store/guns in store 2.a long rifle 3D model that is rotating

TARGET - a profile shot of the rifle and someone holding a rifle

  • Gun store rifle model and animation
  • Create a model of a long rifle and animate it to spin when the VuMark is triggered
  • Potential panel for historical information about the rifle
  • separate target for a history panel to pop up

I think that informing people/children about the history of the store would be interesting but i also want it to be fun.

  • Possible “click to fire” animation

I want to, if possible do the rifle spinning and also another target for general information about the store.


Story Aspect

A shipment of firearms are in including this rifle. There is a showing and demonstration of the new rifles. There is a competitive shooting contest is being hosted by the Lindburg Gun Store. The rifle is the prize for the best shot. Men, Women, and children of all races will gather to watch the competition.

  • Place: Lindburg Gun Shop
  • Target: vinyl sticker on the gun window shaped like the actual gun
  • Target Position: two positions: one high and one low for different height people and persons in wheelchairs
  • Object or Character: Rifle
  • Larger Story: Competitive Shooting
  • Relation To The Larger story: The prize rifle. (winchester model 1876)
  • Theme: Entertainment/Competition

Story summary

There is a competitive shooting contest is being hosted by the Lindburg Gun Store. The rifle is the prize for the best shot. Men, Women, and children of all races will gather to watch the competition. Local competitive shooters join in the competition.

Create Story Sketches

Sketch 1: Shows the vinyl sticker target with the initial AR image projecting from it. The AR image includes a 3d model of the gun and a big button that when activated, shoots the rifle.

Sketch 2: When the mark is scanned, People/crowd in the background appear and the rifle rotates and shows off the prize for the competition.

Sketch 3: A shooting range is modeled and is shown with a crowd on either side of the shooting lane.

Potential to composite these ideas

Image targets and vumarks:


Outline for Ellen's Concept

Place: General Store

Target: box of uneeda biscuit

Target Position: in the window display

Object or Character: Nabisco uneeda biscuits

Larger Story: Food for a boy

Relation To The Larger story: first packaged food in the area

Theme: First packaged box, biscuits

Story summary

A poor boy wants to buy a box of crackers because this is the first time they are not in a barrel. He begs for 5 cents, so he can buy a box of crackers. He is excited when he gets them because this is the first time he can eat fresh crackers (buscuits).

Concept Sketch

Preliminary Concept Feedback

General Notes from Bill Fischer:

  • Set sharing to 'anyone with the link can edit'. That way, feedback can be placed as comments directly in the documents.
  • These prototypes should be informational, narrative, and emotional
  • After interviewing the educational and history professionals from the museum, it's clear that one of the preferred content ideas is the integration of the price of goods and services. This pricing information can then be worked into game ideas

Feedback from Bill:

  • Wrap a story around the rifle. Make up a fictional character or list of past owners and what they used it for. Is it a murder weapon or was it used in a gun fight? Who could afford it? Who couldn't?

Feedback from Bill:

  • It's OK to have a target in the station becase onl 1-3 people will be there engaging with the AR at any one time. (the interaction design team will just make sure that it is not used as a large group gathering place)
  • I think using temporary (Fathead style) stick-on targets is great for the prototypes. That will provide a lot of control over the design.
  • The final target designs will need to be accessible by a wide range of people heights (from 3rd grade to adult + wheel chairs). The train station counter might be too high. But, someone sitting on a bench would not.
  • Think about a simple narrative that can contain some emotion (drama, comedy, etc.)...
    • A non-english speaking European immigrant trying to figure if they have enough money for the train.
    • A recent immigrant farmer from the south that is trying to beg-up enough money to get home to Alabama for Christmas
    • Mixed race teenagers counting their money to see if they have enough to elope together because their families disapprove

Feedback from Bill

  • Great idea to explore
  • Think about a simple narrative that can contain some emotion (drama, comedy, etc.)...
    • 3 steps to the right is a clue... that happens to be the murder weapon that killed...

Feedback from Bill:

  • Wrap a story around the food. Perhaps make up a fictional character that made the bread or perhaps brought the recipe over from Europe . Is it a clue in a mystery? Was it a staple for poor immigrants? Was it made in Grand Rapids? What did it cost?