
GRPM Presentation Notes from 12/04/18

Present from KCAD: Sean Fuller, Emily Grush, Aiden Wysocki, Jill Salembier, Bill Ficher, Alec Valitutti, Brenna Pilotti, Austin Bowles, Emma Harrow, Charlie Poquette, Ellen McCrackin, Nathan Miner, Chris Brown

Present from GRPM Staff: Ashleigh Palmiter (Museum Educator), Rob Schuitemab (director of Education), Katie Bilby (Museum Educator), Gina Bivens (Historian)

Action Items are bold-Italicized


  • This could be an Immerse experience and a field trip destination.
  • Like that this is designed for 3rd-8th grade
  • 45 minutes is a perfect amount of time to play the game.
  • Technology maintenance and attrition is not intimidating for them. A check-out system will need to be designed.
  • Need to accommodate 32 players (currently designed for 27)
  • Headphones are not a good option for 32 players.
  • The tablet audio volume is only barely loud enough.
  • Would eventually like a Spanish version.

General Design

  • They like the game name and the Steampunk look.
  • They liked the 2d historical figures and did not feel they had to be 3D.... though 3D would be fine too.
  • They felt like the audio added a lot to the experience.
  • Integrating different styles into the historical character designs was an acceptable and interesting concept to them.
  • Putting the historical character's text on the Target as opposed to in the AR app was an acceptable option (but there would still need to be an audio option)
  • They would like the targets to feel period-correct but also have an indicator that will help them be identified with the game. The icon should become part of the consistent branding.
  • It is not clear how much the price tags on the objects should 'stand out'. Too little will extend the game play. Too much will take away from the scavenger hunt feel.

Filling The Streets With Historical Figures

  • They like the use of characters that can be “who you are (role play)” and also who you meet (historical figures) within the gameplay.
  • They saw value in the Historical Figure AR working as a stand-alone for non-game-playing visitors.
  • Really like both figures and objects coming to life, but if had to choose, they prefer the objects. Moving AR to the objects has the following issues:
    1. It more nearly triples the production labor. 22 AR targets and 11 historical figure posters versus just 11 AR targets and 22 price tags.
    2. Glass reflection is big issue. All of the object would need to be moved to the front and there would still be problems with the AR working consistently. Moving the objects would diminish the scavenger hunt experience as well.
    3. Writing engaging stories around objects has proven to be difficult as demonstrated by our prototype attempts.

Universal Design and Minorities Integration

  • Universal design is an important part of their mission statement and is currently a major initiative at GRPM.
  • Like the team opportunity aspect and also the ability to play individually.
  • Love the fact that we incorporated minorities and used throughout the Streets of Old Grand Rapids.
  • Should have a female character as a role play option


  • Like that as an individual user you could play multiple times. A player can play a path then play a new path and we incorporated technology which will be fun for past kids that have been here at the museum.
  • Like the flow—the map, and also how it presented that you would get those playing to go back and forth and have to cross the entire Streets of Old Grand Rapids to ensure they use all the space.
  • GRPM Staff think the kids can figure out the game and navigate easily.
  • Paper based tally an map sheet is perfect for teacher's to work with. It's great for looking at scores after the game.
  • Objects in the museum can be moved and price tags affixed to facilitate game play.
  • AR targets can be placed almost anywhere (not on the murals though).
  • The AR did not work well through the window or in dark locations.
  • There was interest in single player accommodation. For small groups and individuals.

Standards Driven Lesson

  • Teachers can incorporate a lot of extensions (eg: “What did you learn?”)
  • Interactivity and teamwork is a plus
  • Pertaining to the Standards and the game, this could be a good review for older students.
  • Biggest challenge for lesson development at the museum is Math**This game offers the opportunity to incorporate math into it. (budgeting, inflation)
  • Historical integration is working
  • Need to include all of the standards that were found relevant into the Slide Presentation. 3rd, 6th, and 7th grade economics may be the best matches. See them here: The current standards identified as "narrowed down" need to be revisited. We should enlist the GRPM education staff to help with this development.
  • Immerse is 3rd through 5th grade and is our primary target group. GRPS sends 5th grade.