Items and Price Tags

Pricing Study For Ruben Jansen

Correct total = $4.38

OOS = Out Of Stock or Unavailable

  • Ladies Shoes ($1.50)
  • Pitch Fork $1.13
  • Paper Shot Shells $1.75
  • Pick Axe $1.27
  • Cloth 15¢
  • OOS - Tin Lunch Box $1.50
  • OOS - Coffee Pot 50¢
  • OOS - Book Holder Straps 50¢

Props Needed


Price Study for Harrison Smith

Correct Total = $2.8

OOS = Out Of Stock or Unavailable

  • Humphrey's Specifics Medicine (25¢)
  • Uneeda Biscuits $1.87
  • Grand Rapids Street Railway Ticket: North Loop 68¢
  • Grand Rapids Street Railway Ticket: South Loop Loop (70¢)
  • Ginger Ale (6¢)
  • Fresh Apples (4¢)
  • OOS - Hot Water Bottle (8¢)
  • OOS- Dunbar’s Okra and Gumbo (.29)


  • Grand Rapids Street Railway Ticket Schedule of Prices

Price Study for Catherine Brookes

Correct Total= $9.33

Katherine Brookes

  • A Gentleman for Mississippi' Opera Tickets .75¢
  • Annual fire insurance- 12 month $5.59
  • Formal Hat ($2.99)
  • Annual Fire insurance- 6 month $3.73
  • Ladies Kid Gloves - $1.35
  • 'Wizard of the Nile' Opera Tickets- .25
  • OOS- Winter Boots $2.42


  • Fire Insurance

Price Study for Clara Wagner

Correct Total = $15.3

OOS = Out Of Stock or Unavailable

  • Coffin= $13.45
  • Mourning Cards $1.80
  • Ice Cream Soda 5¢
  • Urn= $10. 33
  • OOS- Family Bible $3.10
  • Pamphlet: “etiquette of funerals.” .10¢
  • OOS - Root Beer Soda 7¢


  • Mourning Cards
  • Etiquette Of Funerals Pamphlet

Some Items

(prices in parenthesis are already in existing displays)

Durfee & Leavenworth Funeral Directors

  • Flowers
  • Service
  • Casket

Anthony Van Dort Printer

  • Funeral Bulletin
  • Wedding Invitation
  • Job Postings News Letter
  • Advertisements

Rudell Drug Store

  • Humphrey's Witch Hazel Oil Trial Size( 25¢)
  • Humphrey's Witch Hazel Oil Full Size (50¢)
  • Humphrey's Veterinary Specifics (50¢)
  • Ginger Ale (5¢)
  • Mineral Water( 5¢)

Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad

  • Train Tickets (Pullman Sleeper Car) $10-20
  • Train Tickets (Local) 50¢

Grand Rapids Street Railway

  • Ticket: East Side
  • Ticket: West Side 51

Kaminski Grocery

  • Wholweat Flour
  • Uneeda Biscuits
  • Bread Loaf
  • Large Sack Patent Flour (43¢)
  • Soapine All Purpose Soap

Dykstra's Hardware

  • Bulk Seeds
  • Garden Rake
  • Coffee Pot
  • Tangle Foot Flypaper

Telegraph Office

  • 1 word message

Power's Opera House

  • Ticket - Lower Floor ($1)
  • Ticket - Dress Circle (75¢)
  • Ticket - Balcony (25¢)
  • Old Time Favorite Song on the Coinola (25¢)

Lindburg Gun Shop

  • Rifle
  • Small Pistol
  • Paper Shot Shells
  • Powder Flask


  • Sun Hat
  • Formal Hat ($2.99)
  • Ladies Kid Gloves ($1.35)
  • Ladies Kid Gloves ($2.00)
  • Ladies Shoes ($1.50)
  • Ladies Stockings (25¢)
  • Fan - Regular (25¢)
  • Fan - Ostrich Feather ($1)
  • Lace Collar ($3)(back of store)
  • Ribbon (15)
  • Vase
  • Doll
  • Wondergraph Game
  • Dress

Engine House #2

  • Fire Insurance - 3 months
  • Fire Insurance - 6 months
  • Fire Insurance - 12 months