2D Graphics

2D Graphics Benchmarks

The style that will be executed for the exhibition map will need to be simplistic for universal use, and have easy-to-follow, user-friendly map directions. The design will provide information for those using, and not using the AR system, and will offer optional popups containing more information after tapping on a marked location on the map. Another addition will be arrows suggesting the best entry for visitors, and proper exit(s) to help the flow of traffic through the exhibit. The color scheme will be lively, but will vary in saturation and value to accommodate colorblind visitors. Colors will also help highlight the instructive parts of the design, and make them stand out from the rest of the graphics. As for the fonts, I made sure that each of the choices were from Google Fonts (which provides free web/phone friendly options), and were adaptable to tight and condensed conditions, but can still remain readable. Of course, many of these options will be narrowed down as the process continues.

Body (Uncondensed)

(Sub?) Header #1

Condensed Body

Header #1

Header #2

Body (Uncondensed #2)

Condensed Body #2