Sea Unit Learning Modules


Welcome to the sea unit modules. Each cadet would need to learn about the following 4 modules but at different levels. For Secondary 1 cadets, you will start off at the bronze level., silver level for Secondary 2 cadets, and gold level for Secondary 3 cadets.

Your sea trainers have recorded the lectures within each powerpoint so do have your earpieces ready as they bring you through the sea unit curriculum.

To begin, click on one of the following 4 modules to learn more about each module or click on the title to access the module itself.

Cadets will learn on

  • Compass Reading

  • Read, Understand & Interpret Chart Symbols, Abbreviation & Terms.

  • Identify the salient features of the nautical chart

  • Chartwork-plotting position using geographical grid, compass bearings & Range and Bearing.

  • Measuring distance on the nautical chart

  • Understanding the Maritime Buoyage System

Cadets will learn on :

  • Ropework on knots, bends, hitches, lashings and splicing

  • Life saving appliances and its uses

  • Fire Fighting appliances and its uses

  • Collision Avoidance Regulations (ROR)

  • Boat Handling

  • Survival at Sea

  • Rafting

  • Emergencies at Sea

Cadets will learn on:

  • International Code of Signals

  • Flag Signalling

  • Light Signalling

  • Sound Signalling

  • Radiotelephony

  • Morse Code Signalling

  • Distress Signals

Cadets will learn on

  • Duties and functions of the Police Coast Guard Officer

  • Weapons Training (M16 & HK-MP5-A4)

  • Marksmanship firing in the Firing Simulator Trainer

  • Coastal Security