Sec 1 Cadets Learning Site

Learn more about how Singapore prevents corruption in this Anti-Corruption Module!

To help you prepare for the Adventure Training Camp (ATC) at Camp Resilience on Pulau Ubin , you would need to know how to:

  1. tie specific knots and lashings,

  2. pitch tents, gadgets and flagpoles.

You may refer to the Campcraft requirements guide for more reference.

Crime Prevention is to help you understand that, to be socially conscious is to take ownership of safety and security of immediate spheres of influence, i.e. self, family & friends

Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) is a form of forensic science which supports investigation, leading the authorities or the police to the facts behind an incident or a crime scene, in this course we teach our cadets what they can do to help solve a crime.

The CSI course would be conducted in 2 phases:

  1. A school/area based lessons for cadets to allow them to learn the basics of CSI including on photography, fingerprinting, blood splatter analysis and preserving crimescene. To learn how to conduct Crime Scene Investigation for the Sec 1 and 2 cadets before coming for the enhanced CSI at Sec 3.

  2. Enhanced CSI for Sec 3 cadets. This half day course at the HTA training village would allow cadets to put their CSI knowledge to the test in authenic replicated crime scenes. The cadets would also try out the VR forensics lesson.

To learn discipline and resilience while preparing yourself for ceremonial parades such as the NPCC Annual Parade and National Day

To better understand the daily work of a Police Officer.

To better understand the basics of road safety and to be prepared for your Road Safety Marshaling duty in Sec 2.

In view of the recent terror attacks around the globe, SGSecure has become a national movement to help increase the awareness of terrorism in Singapore.

The learning objectives of this CG Tier 1 learning package are:

  • increase awareness of SGSecure in the community

  • understand the concept of ABC - Article, Behaviour and Car

  • understand and apply Run Hide Tell and Press Tie Tell

Total Defence involves every Singaporean playing a part, individually and collectively, to build a strong, secure and cohesive nation. When we are strong, we are able to deal with any crisis!

Total Defence encompasses six key pillars – military, civil, economic, social, psychological and digital defence – and focusses on the need for each Singaporean to play his or her part to keep the country strong .

Part of being in NPCC is knowing how to don the uniform with pride and a sense of belonging.

Under this section, you will learn of the various uniforms and how to don the uniform properly.