Total Defence (Gold)

You required to design and conduct a 30-minute TD lesson for your junior cadets, their peers, and/or even the community. You are encouraged to tap on their understanding of, experience and personal convictions in Total Defence and creativity to share a Total Defence-related topic with your chosen audience.

There are three parts to this activity:

I. Pre-Total Defence Lesson Brief;

II. Design of the Total Defence Lesson; and

III. Post-Total Defence Lesson Reflection.

Part I: Pre-Total Defence Lesson Brief

  1. View the provided slides and Handout, “Are our Blue Skies Turning Grey?” for possible topics and outline for your Total Defence lesson (i.e., scope of content to cover).

  2. Your lesson, when executed, can take various forms, but should last minimally 30 minutes.

  3. Suggest that you refer to:

a. Materials from the Bronze and Silver levels and the Total Defence website at for Total Defence narratives and actions.

b. Articles, books, etc. to learn more about the possible focus areas.


Parts II: Design of the Total Defence Lesson

Cadets should design the lesson in their own free time. Cadets are encouraged to refer to materials from the Bronze and Silver levels and the Total Defence website at Research using articles and books on the chosen focus area is strongly recommended.

Part III: Post-Lesson Reflection

Cadets are to complete the Post-Total Defence Lesson Reflections Sheet.

folio4- Gold-Act1-W1-Post-TD-Lesson-Reflections.docx

Submit to your teacher-officer your:

  1. Lesson Brief

  2. Reflection