Leadership and Mentoring Skills Course (Theory)


You will learn through these 6 modules on ways to becoming a more effective and efficient cadet leader, ready to take over the unit and assist your teacher officers in growing the unit.

A - Leadership and Mentoring

Learn what are the different styles of leadership and how to mentor your peers and juniors well

A - Leadership and mentoring.pdf

B - Teamwork

Do you know what does it take to work with others and function as one united team?

B - Teamwork.pdf

C - Effective Communication

Did you know communication is important in order to pass your messages around and ensure each member of the team knows how to work together?

C - Effective Communication.pdf

D - Lesson Planning

Do you know how to plan for success and ensure you achieve your desired objectives for any training?

D - Lesson planning.pdf

E - Method of Instructions (MOI)

How can you communicate with others and what is needed?

E - MOI.pdf

F - Debriefing

What can you do to wrap up a training so that everyone knows if the objectives have been achieved?

F - Debriefing.pdf

What's next

Congratulations on completing the LMSC.

To end this series of lessons, you will need to complete the following:

1) Download the reflection file and the lesson plan template found on the right,

2) Complete a cadet reflection on your learning of the LMSC (using the reflection file) and

3) Design a lesson plan on how you may want to conduct a 3rd class drill lesson for your secondary 1 cadets (using the Lesson Planning [Notes and Template]).

Once completed, you are to submit the reflection along with your lesson plan to your officers or CIs for feedback. This is so that your officers and/or CIs can know how to develop you in the areas you are interested in developing and help you grow as a leader.

These skills will only help you if only when you can effectively practice what you have learnt here.