Total Defence (Silver)

There are four parts to this activity:

A. Total Defence Lesson: “Singapore, my Home to Defend

B. Teach/Facilitate the “Guardians of the City” (GOTC) Total Defence strategy card game, or equivalent. The alternative game or activity should bring across similar learning points about our threat environment and actions that cadets can take to respond to it.

i. Game Facilitation

ii. Post-Facilitation Reflection

C. Total Defence Quiz

D. Exit Activity

You will need the Guardians of the City” Total Defence Strategy Card Game.

Please also download the worksheet below, as you will need use it for the whole Silver programme.

Total Defence Silver Worksheet.docx

Activity A: Total Defence Lesson: “Singapore, my Home to Defend”

Look through the slides and complete the worksheet.


Extra Information --> Handout: "Let's Take Action!"


Activity B: Teach/Facilitate the “Guardians of the City” Total Defence Strategy Card Game

I. The cadet’s facilitation of the GOTC Total Defence strategy card game. You are to teach and facilitate at least a pair of schoolmates, friends, or family to play the GOTC card game. You can receive this card game from your teacher.

II. A post-facilitation reflection. Following the facilitation of the GOTC card game, you should take about 10 minutes to complete the suggested reflection questions in the provided worksheet.

How to Play "Guardians of the City" - The Total Defence Strategy Card Game

Guardians of the City Debrief


Activity C: Total Defence Quiz

You will need to score above 25 points to pass. The score will be shown below.

Total Defence (Silver) Quiz (To show)

Exit Activity

As the exit activity for the Total Defence Lesson, “Singapore, my Home to Defend, you are to reflect and submit your pledge of actions you could take to contribute to a stronger Singapore.

Submit to your teacher-officer your:

  1. Total Defence Silver Worksheet