
Do look through these sections if you require any help with any issues. For further assistance, do approach your teacher officers, HOs, CIs, or CLs!

Committee Roles

Each committee plays a part and complements each other towards the completion of your project.

      • Chairman & Vice-chairman

      • IT/Video/Photography Committee

      • Presentation Committee

      • Activities Committee

      • Logistics Committee

      • Treasurer & Welfare Committee

Chairman & Vice-chairman

  • Accountable

  • Works with all committees to create the timeline

  • Ensure tasks are completed timely based on the timeline

  • Ensures rehearsals are carried out before the day of implementation

IT/Video/Photography Committee

  • IT Savvy to create websites

  • Prepared to take photos, film videos and record audio using cameras/handphones for beneficiary/cadet feedback

  • Have an eye for video/photo composition and skilled in creating video montage

Presentation Committee

  • Highly articulate, speaks well and writes well

  • Confident on stage or in front of many people

  • Works with IT Committee to create creative presentations

  • Helps with the writing of posts in the website, brochures etc

Activities Committee

  • Fun loving and creative especially with ideas on physical games for game booths

  • Oversee deployment for running of game/information booths

  • Lead others in the creation of the booths

  • Works with Logistics Committee to design posters or any other

Logistics Committee

  • Resourceful in acquiring materials/items for the purpose of building props for activities

  • Detailed person who tracks and inventories items used in a project

  • Checks the equipment required are working on stage for presentation, e.g. microphones

  • Responsible for all purchases made, e.g. prizes (if any) and printing (works with Treasurer)

Treasurer & Welfare Committee

  • Accountable and works with adviser/officer on budget and money for the project

  • Friendly nature and works with all committees to estimate budget and costing

  • Detailed and resourceful to optimise spending (works with Logistics Committee)

  • Checks constantly on the well-being of members and mediates conflict. Works with officers on conflict management, if needed.

  • Plans the celebration at the end of the project

Adapt this list to fit your group profile.

Photography & Video Skills

Some simple tips on taking good video/photographs:

  • Take action shots, i.e. people doing something

  • Try to take high resolution pictures and videos

  • When taking videos for interviews, either use directional microphones or find a relatively quiet place to film

  • Create subtitles in all your videos

  • Have good lighting. The best lighting is sunlight for your videos and photography.

Do take a look at 6 Rules of Video Composition (and Why Not to Break Them) for additional assistance.

Public Speaking

Sharpening your own personal abilities and strengths to help you in your community project!

Videos for boosting self-confidence:

Talking to Strangers:

Body Language Tips:

PowerPoint Presentation Tips

  • 6 Simple tips when you create your PowerPoint Presentation:

    • Font size min 35 and Font Type Arial (best)

    • Less Text with more pictures

    • With text, use bullet points as audience do not read your text shown on screen

    • Each slide to have maximum 3-4 bullet points

    • Use contrasting colour schemes eg. yellow text on dark blue/red background.

    • Always test your PowerPoint presentation with others

  • How to Give an Awesome (PowerPoint) Presentation

  • Presentation Skills: Tips & Tricks

Presentation Skills - Essential Body Languages

Fighting Stage Fright

Website Creation

Create Your Site

Create the following BASIC pages

  • Home - School name, cadets and partners involvement

  • Overview - Objective of project, why this project? Who? What? Where? When?

  • Planning - Schedule & Assignment of Roles

  • Your Project - photographs & videos to showcase your project (min 10 action photos)

  • Reflection & Feedback - 2xcadets' reflection, 1xBeneficiary Feedback, 1xPartner Feedback if appropriate